How To Make Your Mind Move Fluidly Like A Master…

...So You Can Think Well, Solve Problems, Generate Penetrating Insights And Finally Use NLP with REAL POWER…

(Without Needing To Spend Tens of Thousands of Dollars Like An Apprentice ... or Do Thousands of Hours of Practice, Guaranteed...)

Tom O'Connor, London, UK

Dear Friend,

On this page, I’m going to show you how to dramatically improve your ability think well, make your mind move like an NLP master and develop penetrating insights about people so you can create amazing results for yourself and for others...

What kind of results?

For starters, the quality of your thinking goes WAY UP. I mean waaaaaaaaaaaaay up!

Your mind no longer gets stuck. You no longer cast about trying to figure out what you are going to say or what technique you will use when helping others.

So called 'messy' and complicated problems - the kind that get others stuck, become a chance for you to demonstrate how sharp you are seeing what others miss, connecting the dots and creating an impact.

When you acquire the skill I’m about to reveal, you’ll demonstrate a remarkable ability to think on your feet, solve problems and penetrate beyond the presenting challenges clients (colleagues or friends) come to you with.

You’ll cut through complicated issues others have struggled for years with… with exceptional clarity and speed.

People will wish they had your brain! (Seriously.)

Your reputation for being the ‘go-to guy or gal’, who offers fresh insights and dissolves challenging human centred problems grows and grows.

When key decisions happen, people want YOU in the room. Leaders want you advising them. You become a leader other leaders turn to. You get invited to work on bigger problems which offer bigger rewards...

Your confidence in yourself and your ability to add immense value goes through the roof!

But perhaps best of all, you stop comparing yourself to others and stop feeling less than them. You’ll no longer feel daunted, dumb or stupid when you are around really smart people.

Because you know how to make your mind move!

You come into your OWN power.

You move through the world unintimidated by other's worldviews or intellect.

Your mind moves freely, skilfully from problem to solution.

Your capabilities and resourcefulness grows.

The interventions you create ‘hit it out of the park’ far more often.

But is this even possible and if so how?

It really is!

Read on to discover…

The One Skill No NLP Training

(Until Now) Has Ever Taught -

But Every NLP School Should…

Ever wonder what separates ‘regular’ NLPers from real masters?

It’s not how many certifications they have.

(A certification is a piece of paper. You and I know it does not equate to skill...)

It’s not the fanciness of the techniques they use.

It’s not the language patterns they employ.

It’s not even the number of ways they have of creating transformations.

What separates real masters from 99.9% of everyone who has ever been exposed to NLP is the one thing no practitioner, master practitioner or trainer’s training course has ever taught.

How to think (and move your mind) like a master!

This is the super skill behind ALL the other skills you admire, in real NLP masters.

It’s also the skill that matters the most (and has arguably the biggest impact) on the day to day results you can create in your life, applying NLP in the real world.

The problem is very, very few people know how to do this and being frank, most people out there just teach techniques, scripts and canned language patterns.

Because that’s all they learned. And that’s all their teacher who thought them knew…

But what if you want to:

  • Access the real NLP magic that’s far beyond the techniques and labels
  • Learn the methodology that underpins how NLP actually functions
  • Upgrade your NLP skills to a level that very few ever reach without having to learn tons of more techniques…

…so you can use the technology like a master, to solve problems quicker, create change that sticks and influence one-on-one or in groups, far more powerfully than you can today.

If you want to be able to move your mind like a master, solve problems quickly and generate penetrating insights I’ve got some really good news for you…

I’ve been excited about releasing this all year.

But first I think it’s only fair that I answer:

How Do Masters of NLP vs

"Regular" NLP Students Think?

Thinking well is a super skill.

Let me give you at taste of the difference between how a typical NLPer thinks vs how a master thinks when they hear someone express a problem.

This gives you an idea of the night and day difference between the two and why, invariably, the solutions and suggestions masters offer, naturally lead to a person taking action and solving their own problem, because the solutions are tailored precisely for them and their needs.

Have a look at the table below to see a sample of the huge difference in how each thinks....

How A ‘Regular’ NLPer Thinks:
How A Master Thinks:

Listens to what the person says and looks to quickly place a ‘label’ on the type of problem.

Listens to the whole verbal and non-verbal communication. Notices the impact of person’s communication on themself.

Hears what the person says. Hears what isn’t said.

Hears 1st, 2nd, 3rd order presuppositions.

Hears what has to be there but isn’t overtly expressed which is keeping ‘reality’ in place as one ‘fixed way’.

Runs their first set of calculations in their mind figuring out what are the implications of what the person has said in terms of their model of the world, values, strategies, beliefs, and overall 2nd and 3rd order consequences this issue has on their life…

Begins to feel the pressure to ‘do stuff’. Experiences a sense of urgency to ‘create value’ and look like they know what they are doing.

Takes their time. Feels calm and in control.

Gets really clear about the desired state.

Looks for something to say…

Asks a few ‘Meta Model’ questions"

Formulates a hypothesis about the actual problem. Makes more calculations and predictions to test.

Looks to exclude possibilities so they can lock onto the actual problem.

(Frequently) Locks in on the wrong problem.

Considers how the speaker’s metaprograms, sub-modalities and strategies work together to create the present state. Figures out how they ‘do’ the problem and what needs to change.

Locks in on the actual problem.

Tries to think up of a technique to use.

Asks high quality questions to identify how their overall system functions and interacts so they can identify which aspects need to be ‘turned on’, which need to be ‘switched off’ and what need to be added or changed.

Frequently applies the wrong technique to the wrong problem.

Generates insights about how the system works and what direction and magnitude of change is required…

Pursues a tailored intervention to match the need and unique configuration of the person’s model of the world.

Implements the change.

Tests their work throughout.

The technique or suggestion frequently bounces right off the client.

Doesn't know what else to do...

Intervention lands squarely inside the client’s model of the world, is activated and creates the desired result.

Begins to panic.

Frequently fails.

Ends up embarrassed and confused.

Solicits feedback, makes sure it's operational.

Reflects on what went well, identifies opportunities to get even better.

Which type of thinking strategy is closest to the one you use?

If you are like many if not most NLPers, there's a high chance you know the first pattern very well.

And you know what kind of results that (fails) to achieve.

More miss than hit.

I know... I’ve been there, many times before.

Stop Chasing Shiny Objects,

More Techniques. More Language Patterns. Instead, Make Your Mind Move Fluidly Like A Master!

I'm embarrassed to say but I spent a long, long time and a silly amount of money chasing shiny objects... courses, certifications, books and yes, studying lots and lots of techniques, trying to get closer to being able to do what masters of NLP are capable of doing.

But those shiny objects only left me more confused. Full of theories and disconnected ideas, but less able to 'do the do'.

Till one day I asked a question that would change my entire approach to NLP, and more importantly, the class of results I could create.

The question was simple:

What's the ONE THING that if I learned, would transform my skills and ability to use NLP masterfully, in the shortest time possible?

Or said another way:

What's the smallest change I could make to how I use NLP, that would have the biggest systemic impact on the results I can achieve?

I'd spent years trying to 'model the masters' with mixed results. Something was missing.

I was getting better but I wasn't hitting my target.

Maybe you know this experience too?

Then one day, like a bolt of lighting out of blue, a NEW thought hit me:

The difference that makes the difference is....


I couldn't believe I'd missed see this insight all this time...

It's what masters do (on the inside) before they take action on the outside, that enable them to use the technology in a way that is so invisible, lighting fast and penetrating!

But no one teaches you how to do this. Instead, everyone teaches people the outputs of the technology, the techniques!

We're given things to memorise (with the hope they will work) but are never taught HOW to think like the grandmasters of NLP.

So if you are like most NLPers (including mant trainers), the technology of NLP is a disconnected set of various models, tools and techniques but not integrated in a way where the technology connects up, down, left and right - and works so effortlessly for you.

This also explained why so many masters of NLP, folks like Richard Bandler and Michael Breen don't look like they are using NLP as you and I know it.

It's not that they are using a different class of tools per se, it's that they are using their brains differently!

Which results in a completely different quality of result they can create.

But until you get that it's how masters think before they act - that makes the difference - you will be forever stuck chasing shiny objects, pursuing learning more techniques, chasing other people's techniques .. never quite getting NLP to work as well for you as you wished it would.

Never able to use it with the precision, power and impact you’ve seen others use it.

But when we step back and look at how masters think differently, it’s clear to see why masters of NLP are able to do so much more, with the exact same technology, than regular NLPers.

Because they think differently - and in doing so, they have a much more refined and powerful set of distinctions, insights and strategies to help people.

Some of the very best available to any field. How to work with people's 'mental models' of the world.

Is it any wonder that masters can do so much more and create amazing results for their clients (and the companies they work with) that most people can only dream of?

And more importantly...

How Can You Learn This Incredibly Valuable Skill Too?

Well, up until recently, the only way to learn how to think like an NLP master was to apply to become an apprentice.

If you were lucky enough to be selected (rejection rate is huge) and assuming you had the ability to fund the high costs, you'd be invited to fly anywhere in the world to try and get access to them. You'd basically be expected to put your life on hold for years at a time and jump on a plane to go wherever they were training or speaking.

The cost for this kind of access isn't cheap.

Apprentices typically pay between $25,000 to 6 figures (per year) to learn at the foot of a master.

And do this for 3, 5, sometimes up to 10 years!

All the while hoping some of their magic, not taught in public trainings, books or courses - would rub off on them.

That's a huge commitment. Not to mention a massive financial cost.

And if you failed to show up, put in the work and demonstrate you were really serious about getting the skills - you'd be kicked out!

With no refunds. No second chances!

It's a brutal commitment to all but the most committed students. Why are masters so tough?

Because 1) the knowledge you'll learn is priceless and not meant for everyone (just the chosen) and 2) masters have invested decades of their lives doing the hard work to acquire these skills. Working day after day to refine and improve the their ability to get their mind to move fluidly - they don't want to see that information available to just anyone.

But thankfully for the first time ever, now you too can learn how to make your mind move like a master...


What's Upgrade?

Upgrade is an online training for students of NLP who want to learn how to make their mind move, like an NLP master.

Renowned Master Trainer Michael Breen will teach you how to think well, solve problems and generate penetrating insights…without having to invest tens of thousands of dollars (like many apprentices have) to acquire these skills, or spend thousands of hours in trial-and-error learning.

Together you’ll install the listening and thinking skills to upgrade your mind so you can use NLP naturally, elegantly and with real POWER, far beyond what you can do today.

But that’s not all…

Upgrade Is About MORE Than Teaching You To Think Well With A Level of Precision & Power You've Never Had Access To...

...Thinking skills that are light years ahead of others...

You'll also do a deep dive into the methodology of NLP discovering how the technology actually works and how it is all connected directly from one of the world's finest masters.

The net effect:

You’ll make many more and deeper connections with the technology than you’ve ever had before able to get a much bigger ‘bang from your buck’ from all the other trainings (from NLP and elsewhere) you’ve done to date.

Overnight... it’s like the key to a lock you’ve always wanted to have opened is put right in front of you, ready for you to finally turn… and reveal ALL the answers you’ve wanted to know for a long, long time.

For example, how strategies and submodalities work together. How verb tenses and beliefs interact, how metaprograms operate within strategies and how you can glean ALL this information (and much more) from how a person speaks about their problems!

It’s all there on the surface when you learn how to listen and move your mind like a master.

You'll get truly advanced insights into how NLP actually works, not taught on any public training before.

It’s the ‘secret’ stuff that masters of NLP use day in and day out with high profile coaching clients, on multinational consulting engagements, when designing and delivering 7 figure transformation and change programs, advising CEOs and doing deep change work.

The kind of stuff that only elite apprentices get to learn.

The skills that catapult you into a whole other league with clients...

The entire program is organised around 5 disciplines.

Michael starts off the training teaching you...

Discipline 1:

How To Listen Like A Master

Before one can think and penetrate problems like an NLP master, one has to be able to really perceive and listen in a way like you've never done before.

I’m NOT talking about some kind of ‘active listening’ ordinary folks use. Something far more effective and sopisticated.

When an NLP Masters listens, they don’t just hear the words, they hear the natural logic behind the content. The structures that bind a person’s ‘reality’ in place.

This skill is sorely missing among many students of NLP and makes a HUGE difference to your ability be effective.

Masters hear the strategies, submodalities, metaprograms and so on behind the client’s content. By listening for how the person is structuring their communication they can discover how the speaker has managed to hold the problem in place and critically, what needs to change for the issue to be transformed.

And that’s where the magic starts.

In Upgrade you’ll learn to perceive and listen in ways you currently can’t do today.

You’ll learn:

What masters mean when they say “listen to what isn’t being said”

The real secrets for how masters are able to work so skillfully and quickly to identify the real issues and change them.

How to listen for people’s ‘unconscious markers’ that reveal so much and expose so many ways to intervene and generate killer questions

How to detect the 2 universal unconscious patterns people use to express their problems which almost everyone misses but instantly reveal to you how to help them...

How to quickly classify what people say so you can generate hypotheses and insights. When you get this skill, it’s like someone has flicked on the lights in your mind. You see possibilities to question and move effortlessly around people’s maps in ways you’ve never known before...

How you can identify the class of strategies a person uses to maintain a situation without ever having to do a formal ‘strategy elicitation’ – really powerful!

Instantly access information that sits outside people’s conscious awareness – which dramatically affects your ability to help them.

The little known listening secrets used by elite masters that accelerates how quickly you can generate BIG WINS for clients! (Never again will you say to yourself: ‘I don’t know what question to ask next’ when you know this secret!)

Why making mistakes loudly works far better than how most people practice NLP!

The ‘mission critical’ listening skill used by NLP Masters. How they use it to promptly zero in on how a person is creating their inner world so they can rapidly change it, and how you can use this simple method too.

Why the world’s best NLPers don’t use the Meta Model like it is taught in books or practitioner and master practitioner trainings. And how you can use the Meta Model far, far better too even if you’ve been using it for 20+ years.

The different types of information you must listen out for if you want to be able to help clients with Richard Bandler, Michael Breen or Tony Robbins like skill…

The 4 questions elite NLP masters use to organize their thinking and generate killer questions every time.

How mental filters are created and profoundly shape a person’s decision strategies. Learn how to detect and influence these and deep generative change becomes possible…

Discipline 2:

How To Distinguish

Structure From Content

By listening really well you now have a bunch of data, but what does it all mean? And how can you turn that data into an intelligence to guide the questions, actions and decisions you make?

Whenever hear a problem or challenge (aka content), there's always a structure behind it. Most people can't hear or see it - it's hidden to them. But masters don't focus on the content, they pattern the structure behind the content!

In this part of the training Michael reveals how masters chunk, parse and classify what someone says (and what’s missing!) in such a way that you can quickly determine the structures and dial in on the heart of the issue so you can design solutions that ellminate the problem. This skill is tremendously useful in any context where your help, manage or lead others.

You’ll learn:

Quick wins - How to parse and classify information so it leads to insights…

How to get through to people who don’t listen! Discover why attention is not just receptive and how this has huge implications on how you help them. People who don’t know this secret (and practice it) will quickly find their suggestion/recommendation get rejected, even if they are making the right ones. Don’t let this happen to you.

Why it’s so important to move beyond tracking individual language patterns to understanding how specific patterns, meta-programs and strategies function within an overall system to create specific feelings, thoughts and actions. When you can pattern like this, all other influence, persuasion and changes work becomes so much easier!

How to uncover what is really driving a person’s behaviors. Pattern this information early on and you instantly discover powerful unconscious patterns that drive a person’s life, which you can leverage to create profound changes.

Why Richard Bandler spends up to two-thirds of his time doing one thing which most NLPers blindly ignore! Get this right and figuring out WHAT to do becomes so obvious. (Really!)

The 3 questions every master of NLP have asked and answered for themselves … that dabblers and students who struggle to master NLP do not. Answer these questions well and you can 10X the speed by which you become really good.

The ‘Z-AXIS’ completely missed by students of the Meta Model that you should be tracking – if you want to be generate insights and results much quicker…

How to quickly calibrate to a person’s map or model of the world (no matter how complex) so you identify how they think, what motivates them, where they are stuck and what needs to change so you can design interventions that get them moving fast.

The near-psychic way to read people’s minds, hopes and fears. When you master this skill asking great questions becomes easy, people will remark at what an incredible listener you are who asks REALLY good questions

The fastest way to discover the organizing game-rules that dictate the choices a person makes (or won’t make)… giving you invaluable information about what they will and won’t do. HUGE time saver.

Finally be able to detect how a person is structuring their thoughts… when you can hear how people structure their thoughts, you can help them swiftly change how they think and feel… (So powerful and instantly elevates you in their eyes.)

The ONE thing you must do early that dramatically cuts down the amount of time it takes you to think your way through a problem or help a client. Plus much more.

As you refine your ability to listen and pattern like a master, Michael will shift focus to…

Discipline 3:

How To Think Well

(Not Just Good)

Upgrade isn’t just a program to help you think really good, you'll learn Michael's go-to tricks to think well!

When people have problems they turn to us. Whether we can help them or not, comes down to your ability to think well and go beyond where their thinking has stopped.

That’s why Michael will show you how to upgrade your ability to think clearly, navigate ambiguity and handle the messy complexity that causing other people to get stumped, but not you...

You’ll learn:

How to think on your feet so can add value quickly, solve the real problem and get the rewards you deserve.

How to think clearly and quickly, on demand, even if you have limited domain knowledge…

How to demonstrate penetrative thinking and see perspectives others have missed, even if no one today thinks you’re insightful! (Oh, one warning… people WILL perceive you as more intelligent when you use this…)

The right way to prioritize your time so you don’t jump into ‘offering solutions’ or implementing interventions only for them to fail.

How to massively upgrade your PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS and experience deep confidence in your ability to think through challenging situations (your own or others) every time….

How to develop a NIMBLE MIND … capable of super quick thinking, generating credible viewpoints that impress others and demonstrate your capability to add massive value.

How to eliminate ‘client resistance’ and ‘client pushback’. Just follow this process and they’re like putty in your hands.

How NLP masters work with Meta programs, Strategies and Sub-modalities to quickly identify what needs to change and how to change it…

How to 10X the power of the Meta Model by combining it with Michael’s ‘GPS’ system (aka the Framing Tool) so you never get lost or wonder what’s your next move.

Why using Michael’s Framing Tool first before choosing a Meta Model pattern can be so much more powerful if you want to create breakthroughs quicker for yourself or others.

How the way you use the Meta Model varies greatly on this ONE key thing that master NLPers rely on to make changes quickly that less experienced NLPers almost never use.

The 5-Step change process behind every successful change. Know this and never get lost again when trying to figure out where you are in the change process…

A really smart way to deal with those tricky situations where someone doesn’t know what they want by leveraging one of the most underused (but super important) patterns from the Meta Model.

How to change and transform problems in elegant ways with no overt NLP visible at all.

Discipline 4:

How To Make Your Mind

Move Fluidly

As you activate each of the key skills Michael teaches he'll take things up another level, showing you the secrets to making your mind move fluidly like a master using advanced knowledge about the Framing Tool and Meta Model to penetrate beyond where the client has been with their problem...

..enabling you to stay 3, 4, 5 moves ahead!

So you never get stuck.

You’ll learn:

A proven way to rapidly get to the ‘heart’ of an issue. Forget asking the standard Who, What, Where, When, Why questions. This approach works much better and makes you looks super smart and leaves others wishing they could do what you do.

How to get access to a totally different class of information about any problem, circumstance, or situation that 99.9% of folks completely miss. This may the most important skill that separates true MASTERS of NLP vs folks with dozens of certifications…

How masters of the Meta Model and Framing Tool are able to generate strong hypotheses early on which they use to create really clever interventions.

The best state Michael recommends students put themselves in when using the Meta Model and Framing Tool with others so you can generate powerful results.

The simple mental move masters use every single day with every single client to stay 3 steps ahead and always have a next move. Works incredibly well – especially useful for those ‘tricky problems’ and ‘challenging clients.’

The Meta Model hasn’t had any updates in well over a decade, right? WRONG! Discover the latest and most up to date and advanced insights about the Meta Model that goes miles beyond anything you’ve seen…

Say goodbye to using the Meta Model in a ‘call and response’ fashion (like most NLPers) and hello to using the Meta Model expertly and invisibly.

The surprising truth about limitations that 99% of people complete miss.

Genius! Discover how strategies, meta-programs and submodalities function and are represented within the Meta Model and Framing Tool… No one else (except a handful of elite NLP masters) have been privy to this kind of deep applications of these tools.

How to work with the unconscious cognitive processes human beings use to make decisions and evaluate options – so you can guide them to make sound decisions.

The truth about what the Meta Model and Framing Tool actually do that 99.9% of NLPers don’t know. When you understand this secret, it makes getting results with others so much easier.

Why you should NEVER do this with the Framing Tool if you want to use it like a pro, yet so many students still do! (Use the meta)

How to take the basic Meta Model as you know it and add a flood of new distinctions and sophisticated ways of using it. Watch as Michael demonstrates the immense power and practical nature of the Meta Model and Framing Tool to transform limitations with ease…

Where to pivot your thinking if you find yourself getting stuck and need more possibilities whether you are working with yourself or others…

What moves to make if someone has a very rigid map and seems hell bent on not changing! (This strategy works great every time.)

The two power moves used by masters of the Meta Model that you can use to evoke action. Make these moves too and you’ll always have a next move, come up with more possibilities and be able to trigger action that improves client’s lives.

Powerful insights on how people create generalizations and the automated process for maintaining them…

Which additional models and distinctions do masters use to 3x to 10x the results they get when you combine them with the Meta Model and Framing Tool to supercharge your results.

A super powerful practice Michael recommends you adopt to become ‘incredibly masterful’ in your use of the Meta Model that doesn’t require you to study more language patterns!

How to use the Framing Tool with the Strategies Model to quickly and elegantly rewire unhelpful behaviors and install new strategies.(Michael reveals his go-to moves for the 1st time.)

Discipline 5:

How To Communicate

To Create Impact

Having a great insight, suggestion or recommendation is all for nothing if you lack the ability to communicate that suggestion, idea or question in such a way that it creates impact – literally moves people to action.

That’s why the fifth discipline you’ll learn throughout Upgrade is how to communicate so that it creates impact and action.

You’ll learn:

How to ask questions and make suggestions that cause other people to stop, sit up and act

The near flawless way to triggering motivation in others. Rather than focusing on words, learn how masters use inbuilt thinking structures to catalyze and trigger powerful states of motivation.

When is it OK to be confrontational with clients and when being gentle and softer in your approach works better. (If you only have ONE WAY of interacting with clients you’ve MAJORLY CONSTRAINED your ability to help them)

3 powerful questions to ask which have the biggest impact on the overall structure of what someone is saying. Learn to pattern for these and soon you’ll see how easy it can be to change people’s minds.

Why almost everything you’ve (likely) been taught about Meta Programs is wrong! This has big implications on how you motivate others to take an action.

Discover the many ways to bust generalizations that go far beyond simply finding a counter example!

Where to find the lever to help someone change their mind fast. This one simple change in how you tag a client’s presenting problem or request will transform your ability to penetrate through the noise and zero in on the problem behind the problem!

Counter-Intuitive: How using the Meta Model as it is traditionally taught can ruin your chances of helping a person change fast and what Michael recommends instead that works far better.

Advanced NLP Secrets: Discover how the Meta Model, the Framing Tool, the Strategies Model, Meta Programs and Submodalities are all interconnected and can be mapped to the Meta Model!

A key insight about how people’s brains process language that matters immensely when it comes time to making suggestions or setting up ideas for other people to take on.

A powerful way to create more elegant and effective solutions and interventions by leveraging what isn’t said! So powerful.

The 1st neurological principle which impacts any interventions you choose to make. Learn how to use the human brain’s biology to your advantage…

The most important aspect of helping others effectively, upon which everything else you do depends… (Michael regards this as THE most important aspect to doing great work.)

The step-by-step thinking process masters of NLP use to create custom interventions on the fly (No more guessing what to needs to change, instead learn how to map out the presenting issue or problem so it’s solvable)

Finally! Simple exercises that anyone can use to hear the STRUCTURE in people communications. Your communication and influencing skills instantly move up several levels when you can do this on the fly…

Elite tips and tricks to get other people’s mind to move, using advanced distinctions and applications of language patterns.

An incredibly elegant (and covert) way to shift thoughts in someone else’s mind simply by how you make use of specific your words…

The secret to getting ‘FREE’ of the dependency on NLP techniques, so you can catapult beyond following a specific technique and instead do much more elegant and effective change work.

What to do when someone says when someone struggles to make good decisions and gets stuck in indecision... (Learn how to trigger the driver pattern for getting them unstuck).

The neuroscience behind how humans make predictions about the future. The better you understand how people’s brains set expectations and becomes convinced of things – the faster you can influence them in profound and unconscious ways…

How to get ideas and states to intensify and how to weaken or eliminate undesirable states.

The magic secret to going beyond the NLP techniques and being able to generate the same effects without any of the overt rigid NLP language.

Rediscover the Meta Model and Framing Tool in a way you’ve never seen it expressed before – this is Michael’s latest and most up to date training on these incredible flexible and powerful models.

But that's not all...

Hear Hundreds of Examples, Dozens of Real World Cases & Watch In-Depth Video Examples

Normally developing these skills could take years, but Michael has synthesised, streamlined and systematised 35 years of the teaching and applying these skills into this one unique program.

He'll teach you the quickest method to acquire these skills using the Meta Model and Framing Tool demonstrated with dozens of examples for you to watch and see how this all works in practice...

Through a process of deep immersion in the method, you'll acquire these skills in a tiny fraction of the time it would normally take your typical apprentice to learn and for a tiny fraction of the price.


Hear hundreds of examples of the thinking patterns in action, demonstrated across a wide variety of common person, work and social client problems including demonstrations tackling common coaching and consulting issues like:

  • How to find one’s life purpose
  • Failing to make a million dollar
  • Overcoming dating fears after being single for 20 years
  • Stuck in a dead end job
  • Have a boss that sucks
  • Don’t know what I want, help!
  • Struggling with how to progress in my career
  • I want to get fit but just can’t work out
  • Lost at sea – struggling to adjust to agile transformation
  • And more…
  • Etc.

Plus you’ll…

Michael has synthesised, streamlined and systematised

Michael has synthesised, streamlined and systematised

Get play-by-play analysis of how the Meta Model and Framing Tool are used expertly to eliminate challenging issues fast.

18 bespoke exercises to help you upgrade your listening, patterning, thinking and problem solving skills.

Will get to pattern and test your own skills with both written and video examples.

Hear Michael work with and reveal step-by-step how to think on your feet quickly to think several moves ahead, when confronted with challenge problems so you never get stuck again.

Practice powerful exercises that get your mind to MOVE and respond like a master

In total, you’ll have everything you need to seriously UPGRADE your thinking, problem solving and communication skills.

And best of all you don’t need to do all the exercises before you start seeing results. Very quickly you’ll notice how you listen, pattern, synthesize and ask penetrative questions begins to grow.

There’s a lot we’ve packed into the brand new program, so here’s answers to common questions:

Meet Your Instructor - Michael Breen


Michael has:

Spent 30+ years as a coach working at the top tier of the coaching world with a dream list of clients from A-list celebrities, royalty, politicians, board level executives, and everyday people looking to improve their lives.

Built 3 multi-million pound business in the coaching, training, and consultancy space and lead international coaching projects for major multinationals.

Revolutionized the design and delivery of NLP training in the UK, co-founding the largest NLP training school in the world.

For decades, he co-ran workshops with Dr. Richard Bandler & Paul McKenna

He was even hired by a major multinational to model the world's very best coaches (folks who charge tens of thousands) and teach what top coaches do to other coaches and business leaders.

Michael's also a top-notch management consultant to numerous Fortune 500 companies and is known as the coaches' coach, and one of the top 30 Elite Executive Coaches in Europe.

So you're in great hands... But don’t take my word for it. Hear…

What Customers Are Saying

"Training with Michael has made a tremendous difference in my personal and business life. I was able to setup my business and connections from scratch. It's an amazing investment and you'll thank yourself for signing up. "

Konstantinos Bimplis

Business Owner

"Seeing and watching Michael in action is an experience I'll never forget. There I was, stripped down to my core and instantly given the tools to rebuild myself. It's very rare to access people of his intellectual stature and so profoundly touching."

Laurent Beretta


"Imagine you can bend the ear of someone who's super smart and experienced about whatever is bugging you most. That he'll listen and respond in way that will support you to move forward. That's the kind coach Michael is like."

Adrian Reynolds


"Michael Breen is an extremely skilled trainer. I've collaborated with him on many projects and used to train together. He is a gifted teacher who can accelerate your ability to master the skills in a way that no-one else can. I recommend him very highly."

Paul McKenna

Author & Celebrity Hypnotist

"I have trained with many of the big names in NLP, and I find Michael's trainings the best thought out, the easiest to follow, and, for me, the trainings that brought about the greatest increase in skills. It allowed me to move beyond the techniques."

Al Konigsfeld

Retired Teacher/Trainer

"This course took me to the next level, how to prepare, what to focus on and how to keep track of where am I in the coaching process to serve my clients better.

Highly recommended!"

Tim Beyer


"The program exceeded my expectations. I got a lot of clarity from going through it. I enjoyed the humor, the music stories in the CTC bonus and the tight integration of the coaching sessions that rock with the 'Coach Right program."

John Johnston

Retired Trainer

"I loved Michael's workshop. World-class, life and business changing training that will give you benefits in all areas of your life... not only your career. I highly recommend it, it represents the highest level of NLP training out there and beyond."

Janne Heimonen

Managing Director

"Attending Michael's workshop, lifted my coaching skills through the roof. I now have the tools and attitude to provide my clients with the very best of what they need. The results have been amazing and my clients have never been happier."

Ben Green

Executive Coach

"Going through NLP Times trainings brought much more clarity on how to use NLP naturally and powerfully in a business and conversational setting. I can start to plan how to have more impact with others."

Bob Harper

Digital Marketer

"For me, Michael Breen is the Polymath of NLP. The depth of his understanding and expertise in many different contexts that I have witnessed with Michael over the years, is the reason I return again and again."

Brigitte Nix

Life Consultant

"I definitely recommend this to everyone! It opens someone's eyes to a completely new way of perceiving the world, giving great improvements in the quality of life as they go around.

I noticed that the learning are faster and easier."

Filipe Duarte

Lines Manager


What You Get In The Program

61 High Definition Training Videos From One Of The World's Best NLP Masters

Upgrade is the fastest way to learn how to make your mind move like a master.

You'll install the listening and thinking skills to upgrade your mind so you can use NLP naturally, elegantly and with real power, far beyond what you can do today. The entire course was recorded in high defintion video so you can watch along at your own pace and put the skills in to practice.

61 Audio Files

Sometimes it’s not suitable or possible to watch videos. That’s why we’ve also made the entire program available in MP3 format, so you can listen and learn as you commute, exercise or take it with you on the road.

Each video comes with an accompanying audio track which you can download and use on your smartphone, tablet or computer for easy offline listening.

Bespoke Video Assignments To Learn The Skills Fast

Apprentice study for years to learn these skills. In Upgrade you'll get access to proven exercises to help you install the skills into the muscle fast.

You'll even have the opportunity to watch recorded opening sessions with real people to put your skills to the test. Everything has been designed to help you onboard the skills in the shortest time possible.

18 Training Assignments

Thinking well is a skill. And like all skills they are acquired through expert practice. That's why we've designed 18 exercises to help you 'pimp up your brain' so you can make your mind move like a master.

But that's not all you get...

We want you to have everything you need to seriously upgrade your skills.

That's why when you enroll today...

You'll Also Get These

Exclusive Bonuses Worth $2,500.00

Thinking Like A Pro (Live Masterclass)

Bonus #1 ($500.00 VALUE):

Human beings are naturally resourceful and can come up with brilliant solutions when their minds are focused and fully engaged. Problem is most people struggle to command their mind when it matters the most.

Pressure changes everything, right?

Most people struggle to think clearly under pressure, generate ideas and solutions. Some feel threatened when "put on the spot".

In this exclusive LIVE masterclass delivered online, Michael Breen will teach you how to think like a pro when stakes are high. His unique background working with high profile clients on very challenging problems where the consequences of failure are immense, means this is a masterclass you won’t want to miss!

He’ll be sharing many of his best secrets.

You'll learn:

How to think like a pro!

How to penetrate beyond a client’s presenting question or challenge so you don’t solve the wrong problem!

How to thrive in the ‘hot seat’ (and even find it fun) where your brain focuses… not folds!

How to stay cool and resourceful, when all about you are losing their composure and ability to think well.

Why focusing on who has the better argument can be a deadly mistake.

The most important activities you must do early on when stakes are high or risk falling to hit the target

What you need to know to avoid the deadly ‘group think’ when thinking involves others.

Simple practices you can use right away to think like a pro

Plus! Watch as Michael demonstrates these skills in action by working live on participants problems.

Mental Models: Great Heuristics To Get Your Mind To Move, Quickly (Live Masterclass)

Bonus #2 ($500.00 VALUE):

The human brain is a funny thing. Incredibly powerful and sometimes it makes decisions that are so dumb, you wonder, “what on earth was I thinking?”

Just about every problem you and I have today boils down to a failure to think well, to think clearly, to think things through.

The human brain loves to ‘set and forget’, to create a mental shortcut and stick with it over and over again. That’s great when the method works well, but what about when the shortcuts and models you use don’t work well at all?

What happens if you are facing a question or issue and you have no idea where to start or how to make your mind move at all?

That’s where Mental Models: Great Heuristics To Get Your Mind To Move, Quickly, comes in.

In this masterclass Michael will teach you powerful insights about mental models and heuristics and share many of his favourite ones so you can make better decisions, speak intelligently ‘on the fly’ and gain insights quickly by directing attention in more useful ways.

You'll learn:

What mental models and heuristics are and how they function

How the brain forms mental models and why this method is open to all kinds of mistakes in errors in judgement

The benefits and trade-offs of using heuristics and when you should not use them

Michael’s favourite collection of heuristics acquired from decades of practice in the real world (the best ones to get your mind to move quickly.)

A common misunderstanding about biases that even experts get wrong and why it matters

How to get your mind to move quickly so you’re never left struggling for something intelligent to say and can add value easily, even when you know very little.

Michael’s best advice on how to create your own toolbox of heuristics and mental models

How to get so much more from all the tools and heuristics you’ll learn…

Plus much more...

Upgrade - Ask Michael Anything

Bonus #3 ($250.00 VALUE):

As you watch and learn from Michael how to do Advanced Storytelling that's invisible, as a inaugural customer, you'll also get the chance to Ask Michael Anything about the course and storytelling.

Michael’s got a wealth of knowledge helping clients develop their storytelling skills. He’s also got 35 years experience helping client's master the art and science of storytelling. This is your chance to pick his brain... at no additional cost.

Private Members Portal

Bonus #4 ($250.00 VALUE):

In addition to being able to get your questions answered during the AMA, we've got you back as you work your way through the course. That means you can ask questions of Tom and Michael and engage with other customers directly in our Private Message Portal setup exclusively for this program.

This means you have many ways of getting expert feedback when you need it.

Just for you - Special Inaugural Member Price

Bonus #5 ($500.00 VALUE):

Lastly, here’s something you'll love, when you enroll today, in addition to all the great bonuses and training above I'm also going to cut a $500 off the public launch price for Upgrade... meaning you’ll save a grand when enrol today.

(And get to enjoy access to the equivalent of 5 days of expert training from Michael on how to think well and get your mind to move like a master. You'll have everything you need to upgrade your ability to solve problems, generate penetrating insights and move through the world with a visible confidence and the resourcefulness to create massive value for others.

But that's not all...

You Can't Lose

Try 'UPGRADE' For a Full 30 days,

100% Risk Free...

To completely take away any risk for you I going to give you an unbeatable 30-day Money Back Guarantee.

I'll be frank. Actual apprentices of NLP Masters wouldn't dare ask for a refund of their tuition - they know that only a very select group of people ever get to learn these kind of secrets... but I want to remove any risk whatsoever for you. So here's what I'm going to do.

You don't have to decide today if you Upgrade is for you, take it for a test drive for 30 days. Watch the videos and do the exercises. If you are not completely convinced that that this course hasn't taught you how to make your mind move like a master and think well then simply send me an email and I will give you a full refund. I just ask you give the programme a real go, which means you show me you've done at least some of the exercises.

So you risk absolutely nothing today – buy the programme, watch all the videos, do the exercises. As long as its within 30 days of purchasing and you give it a real go, you can claim a full refund if you don’t think we have delivered.

The insights, tools and powerful practices taught in this course have been handed down from master to apprentice for decades. They work. They'll work for you too, so long as you are willing to do the work.

I'm so confident I'm willing to give you a full refund. That’s how certain I am of the power of this programme!

Yes Tom! I'm Ready To Stop Chasing 'Shiny Objects' And Instead Learn How To Make My Mind Move Like A Master! I'm Ready to Get...

I understand that until now, the only way to learn the 5 disciplines masters use everyday to think differently, bring fresh insights and outfox their client's most pressing problems was to apprentice with an NLP Master (if you could get one to agree) and pay high 5 or 6 figures where I would have had to fly around the globe at my own cost and invest hundreds of personal days to try and learn these skills.

But as a student of Upgrade, I understand that I'll get access to the same distinctions and secrets only apprentices were typically exposed to, but compressed into a fraction of the time and for a tiny fraction of the cost.

I agree that I have prior training with NLP (see FAQ) and am up for really upgrading my listening, thinking and problem solving skills so I can move my mind like a master!

When I enrol today I'll learn:

How To Listen Like A Master - (Value $500)

How To Distinguish Structure From Content -(Value $500)

How To Think Well (Not Just Good) - (Value $500)

How To Make Your Mind Move Fluidly - (Value $500)

How To Communicate To Create Impact - (Value $500)

Bonus 1: Thinking Like A Pro (Live Masterclass) - VALUE: $500

Bonus 2: Mental Models: Great Heuristics To Get Your Mind To Move, Quickly! (Live Masterclass) - (Value $500)

Bonus 3: Upgrade - Ask Michael Anything (LIVE) - VALUE: $250.00

Bonus 4: Private Members Portal - VALUE: $250.00

Bonus 5: SAVE $500 Off the post launch price

30-day Money Back Guarantee.

Secure Your Spot Now.


Total Value: $4,500.00

Just $697

(Or 3 Monthly Payments of $250)

This offer expires in...


To your success,


P.S. If you've ever seen Master Trainer Michael Breen present you know he's the real deal when it comes to teaching people how to connect the dots, fill in all the blanks and enable real mastery with NLP. Clients and friends alike kindly refer to him as the 'professor' or "NLP polymath' because of his exceptional depth and breath of knowledge across so many domains. But his real talent is his ability to make his mind move.

A-list celebrities, top management consultancy firms, elite athletes, royalty and billion and multi-million dollar CEOs hire Michael for his ability to THINK differently, bring fresh insights and outfox their most pressing problems.

In Upgrade you'll learn his method for meticulously training your brain to move like a master, how to listen for what isn't said, frame issues so they are quickly solvable, learn to 'cleave' the actual problem from the client's "presenting problem", generate penetrating insights (about people and how to help them), and be better able to use the technology of NLP, masterfully.

Together with Michael's help you'll upgrade your brain to think with exceptional clarity, penetrating insight and speed because you'll have acquired the skills (and NLP's best tools) to make your mind move!

There's no other training like this. Test it for yourself risk-free for 30 days. But don't delay - enrollment closes Saturday and with it to opportunity to join us for the LIVE trainings which will only happen once! So click here and enrol today. You can't lose.

P.P.S. I hope you'll allow me to be candid and direct - the level of success you'll have (or not have) in your personal and professional life greatly depends on the quality of your thinking, your ability to make your mind move and to communicate in a way that has the power to evoke action. Unfortunately most people are never trained on 1 of these key skills, no mind all 3.

In Upgrade Michael will teach you not just to think 'good' but to think well. To get it so your brain responds and moves in a way that others can't match. To use NLP with real power, in work, personal or social situations that matter most to you, and the people you serve. And in doing so you'll increase your confidence in yourself and your ability to 'hold your own', to solve problems and add immense value.

So order your copy now and secure your spot now. You'll be really glad you did!

Frequently Asked Questions

Did we miss your question? Click here to chat with our specialist.

Join Upgrade Today

Discover how to make your mind move fluidly like a master!

Total Value: $4,500.00

Just $697

(Or 3 Monthly Payments of $250)



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Deep Transformation - The Power of Wish Lists

As you may know, Richard does a 3-day personal enhancement workshop where participants pay circa $20,000 (per person) to have Richard help them change their lives.

$20K is a lot of dosh, right?

Yet the program sells out every year.

So what goes on behind the curtain that's worth so much?

Only one trainer (TTBOMK) has ever been trusted to deliver Richard’s signature workshop on his behalf.

That trainer is Michael Breen.

Many years ago, Richard was really ill and couldn't present. Without any forewarning, Michael was asked “Will you deliver it?”

Many master trainers (no mind experienced trainers) would wobble at the thought of filling Richard’s shoes. Not Michael.

He knows how masters think– he’s been thinking that way for decades.

You see, for over ten years Michael and Richard shared observations, tactics and notes on what works to create DEEP TRANSFORMATIONS in others.

The magic begins with … a ‘Wish List’.

Every participant is asked to fill one out before the workshop starts - detailing what changes they’d like to make.

What’s so magical about a wish list?

Well, it’s not what’s ON the list, as many trainers think.

It’s what's NOT on the wish list that reveals so much and tells Richard and Michael buckets of information about what they need to do, to create the client’s deep transformation.

A lot of folks don’t know this yet, cos we haven’t been making a big fuss about it, but…

…Michael teaches the exact same thinking skills that Michael, Richard and a handful of the world’s best change agents use to create deep transformations… inside of our BRAND-NEW program Upgrade.

Differences like the difference between a master hearing someone’s change request and a regular NLPer.

Here's a hint:

A master’s brain lights up like CHRISTMAS, their neurons fire and transmit information at incredible speed before coming to rest - locking in on what’s not there, that, if it was, would solve everything.

It’s an incredible skill to have. (And very counter-intuitive.)

In a way, it's what people pay HUGE sums for.

Very, very few people know about any of this, and even less know how to do this.

Anyways if you are curious to...

Join Upgrade Today

Discover how to make your mind move fluidly like a master!