Discover The Field's Best-Selling Anchoring Training...
Renowned NLP Master Reveals How To Anchor Covertly Or Overtly In ANY Sensory System
In A Matter Of Days...
So You Can Influence, Persuade & Lead
In Everyday Contexts... Guaranteed!
Tom O'Connor
London, UK
Dear Reader,
Anchoring is one of the most useful skills any communicator can learn. But...
Have you ever found yourself confused about what anchoring is and how it works?
Or wondered how to use anchoring in everyday real-world situations? Like in the office, meetings, with friends and family or clients?
Have you ever found yourself confused about what anchoring is and how it works?
Or wondered how to use anchoring in everyday real-world situations? Like in the office, meetings, with friends and family or clients?
Have you ever lacked the confidence in your NLP skills; specifically in how anchor others with ease?
Do you get nervous when you try to anchor others in a social or work situation?
Do you worry that your anchoring will be 'caught' or wonder if it is clumsy, so you hold-back, afraid of looking silly?
Have you ever set an anchor and felt fear come up as you got to test the trigger, because you're afraid the anchor just won't work ... yet again. And felt tightening in your chest with disappointment?
So much so perhaps you've given up in trying to anchor all together, well...
If you answered "Yes!" to any of these questions, then I have some important news for you ...
You are NOT alone.
In fact all of the above are COMMON EXPERIENCES I've heard from surveying thousands of NLP students!
So if you unsure, unaware, confused, doubtful about what anchoring is and how to use it like the pros.
Tens of thousands of NLPers feel the same way.
In fact, if you were anything like me before I discovered the secrets to this skill, there may even have been times when you completely forgot to anchor!
Perhaps you were nervous you were going to get caught and just didn't know how to translate anchoring as it's typically presented in a training to how to use it in everyday contexts.
I know I did. And so do countless others.
Heck perhaps you've been in a conversation and didn't even notice what the other person's anchors were. This happens even to trainers of NLP!
It's not your fault.
Either way, anyone with basic experience in NLP knows that anchoring is one of the most important and useful skills you can learn in all of NLP!
Yet, up until recently there hasn't been a step-by-step home study system that teaches you the secrets to anchoring like elite master trainers...
Why Learn Anchoring?
NLP anchoring is an incredibly versatile and useful skill for anyone.
With it you can...
Yet incredibly, few have learned how to fully use this powerful toolset!
But Here Is The Problem...
Up until recently the primary way to learn anchoring was to attend a multi-day expensive NLP Practitioner training course, which could often set you back thousands of dollars and require you to invest between 7 and 21 days of your time.
And then; you'd typically only learn how to anchor someone by touching them on the knee!
If you learned anchoring this way you probably saw a demonstration of this type of anchoring by the trainer - which was highly effective when demonstrated in a seminar room.
However, with some NLP experience, you will have realised that, while this may work well in a seminar situation...
It is not very practical in the real world.
Note: when I say real world, in this context I am referring to daily interactions at home or in a business context.
In a coaching or therapy context some people will use the anchoring methods mentioned to great effect, but why be limited to only being able to do kinaesthetic anchoring?
How Do You Anchor In The Real World
(Without Needing To Touch Someone)
This is the question that I sought to answer when we created the field's best-selling anchoring training.
I didn't want something that created more theory but a programme that gives people specific SKILLS that you can IMPLEMENT right away to dramatically increase your anchoring results.
But first I needed to get answers on...
These are the questions I took to Master Trainer Michael Breen...
Meet Michael Breen
One of the industry's most well respected
Master NLP Trainers & Celebrity Coaches
Michael has:
This is why I went to Michael with these questions...
Because he is Britain's Foremost Business Trainer and of the finest NLP trainers in the world, who has been using NLP in the real world, NOT just in a seminar environment for over three decades.
And I knew that as Michael has built a very successful international coaching and consulting business and specialises in teaching people how to use NLP in the Business Environment he'd be able to teach anchoring in a way that anyone with basic NLP training could get... and use right away.
As such, even in his trainings he NEVER uses the 'touch someone on the knee' anchoring. He consistently uses anchoring in conferences, meetings, consulting jobs and his high performance coaching sessions... without it ever looking like he is using NLP!
So I knew he'd be the perfect person to teach how to use anchoring in the real world.
Now I don't know if this was just good timing or it was pure luck but Michael was tired, surprised AND annoyed!
He was tired of practitioners asking him questions on anchoring that they really should know.
He was surprised at the lack of understanding about anchoring in the community.
And he was annoyed (and excited) enough to agree to create a special program that shows you everything you need to know about anchoring fluently and intentionally without touching a knee!!
30 Days to Masterful Anchoring really is the ideal product for anyone with a basic knowledge of NLP who wants to take their skills to the next level.
The course is organised into 4 weeks.
Each week Michael will teach you a specific aspect of anchoring and then give you assignments to quickly acquire the skills.
Michael will basically hold you by the hand and teach you the skills you need to fluently and intentionally anchor in any environment.
Never before has a Master Trainer broken down the art of anchoring in such an easily digestible, self paced, highly practical and very accessible format that you can learn in days.
What You'll Learn
First things first.
Every week, as you can see from the week 1 video training insert below, the course is broken down into a easily digestible format for you to work through at your own pace. You don't have to worry about missing a thing; you can zip through this training in hours but we recommend you proceed you can pause, rewind, skip or jump to the bits you want to revisit or watch over again and again.
Watch as Michael overtly and covertly demonstrates the anchoring skills he is training you to get but in a fraction of the time it would take you if you had to discover all this by yourself.
Week 1
Secrets of State Elicitation
In week 1, you really get State Elicitation because before you can effectively anchor someone you need to be able to elicit the state you want in them. And you need to be able to recognize when they are in a state that you want to anchor. Michael therefore spends the first week on the finer points of state elicitation.
This is the foundation of your entire anchoring course and he covers everything you need to know about states.
Here are just some of the fantastic things you'll learn in this week:
By learning the way the Master Trainers think of anchoring you will quadruple the speed and frequency at which you can observe anchors occurring everywhere (even by the best trainers in the seminars) and how you too can utilize them.
Week 2
The Art Of Anchoring
In week 2 Michael goes deeper into the organizing frames for what anchoring is what it isn't. Michael covers the key points of anchoring.
This week will address a lot of the queries people have when they come off an NLP seminar.
What exactly do you need to know about the art of anchoring?
In week two expect to:
Week 3
Anchoring In Context
In week 3 Michael delves into the different TYPES of anchors...
Having completed the first two modules - expect a big 'aha' as you truly get how to do visual and auditory anchoring effortlessly. A real light bulb will switch on when you'll realise how easy it all actually is!
Regardless of your skill level this course was designed to develop your skills far beyond where they are now and to give you many many more options on when and how you anchor.
Anchoring in different contexts, spacial anchoring, building response attentiveness and how to bring it into your work context when dealing with clients .
In week three you will learn:
Week 4
Applications Of Anchoring
And finally in week four you will learn how to tonally anchor and see several applications of how Michael uses anchoring in everyday life contexts
In week four you will learn:
What You'll Get In The Program
Every week, the course is broken down into a easily digestible format for you to work through at your own pace. You don't have to worry about missing a thing; you can pause, rewind, skip or jump to the bits you want to revisit or watch over again and again.
Sometimes it’s not suitable or possible to watch videos. That’s why we’ve also made the entire program available in MP3 format, so you can listen and learn as you commute, exercise or take it with you on the road.
Each video comes with an accompanying audio track which you can download and use on your smartphone, tablet or computer for easy offline listening.
Anchoring is simply one of those wonderful skills in NLP that is timeless and has such a broad range of applications regardless of in what context you want to use it.
That's why we've included 15 bespoke assignments designed to teach you the skills fast.
Each video comes with an accompanying PDF transcript so you can go over the strategies and insights shared with a yellow highlighter.
But that's not all you get...
We want you to have everything you need to anchor effortlessly in any modality you want.
That's why when you enroll today...
You'll Also Get These Exclusive Bonuses Worth $690.00
Imagine what you could learn when you have two and a half hours of candid, content rich, and very direct answers on anchoring.
Michael shares insights on "How to use anchoring in persuasion", "The difference between chaining and stacking anchors", "Getting out of your own way", and hear both business and a live group audio example of how Michael using anchoring in regular life and work situations.
Everything You Wanted To Know About Anchoring But Didn't Know Who To Ask - Michael answers the most common questions about anchoring as well as giving you even more examples of anchoring in this exclusive bonus training.
We've got you back as you work your way through the course. That means you can ask questions of Tom and Michael directly in our Private Message Portal setup exclusively for this program.
This means you have many ways of getting expert feedback when you need it.
Download and review the original transcript from my interview with Michael that launched the 30 Days To Masterful NLP Anchoring program. Pay specific attention to how Michael uses language to elicit states, evoke responses and setup anchors.
This transcript will be a highly useful guide to helping you refresh the key points of masterful anchoring and how to use it elegantly.
This really is the most comprehensive and easily accessible product ever created on anchoring you simply will be blown away by all the content rich material it provides.
Frequently Asked Questions
What People Are Saying About
30 Days To Masterful NLP Anchoring
To completely take away any risk from you I am also going to give you a 30-day - Hassle Free - Money Back Guarantee.
If for any reason whatsoever, you don’t like the program or you don’t think you got value from it - within 30 days – you can send me an email and I will give you a full refund.
So you risk nothing – buy the program, watch all the videos and
try out the exercises. As long as its within 30 days, you can claim a full refund if you don’t think we have delivered!
That’s how confident I am in the power of this material!
You are just moments away from getting on-board with NLP the right way, and discovering how easily you can transform your life.
I understand when I purchase 30 Days To Masterful NLP Anchoring today I get...
Secure Your Spot Now.
Total Value: $1,629.00
Today Just $495!
Here is to you becoming dramatically more influential and effective in your one to one and interpersonal communications with anyone, and skyrocketing your success in using NLP anchoring.
To your success,
P.S. Michael has made it amazingly easy to master this hugely important skill in NLP and you also get all the fantastic bonuses. You could be learning the secrets to NLP anchoring in just ten minutes.
P.P.S. Also we’ve setup the program so you can consume it all at once or spread out over 30 days… so you get to decide what timetable works best for you! Order today.
Join 30 Days To Masterful NLP Anchoring
Discover how to anchor covertly or overtly in any sensory system in a matter of days...
Total Value: $1,629.00
Today Just $495!
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