Mastering The Meta Model Is Hard...

Language Guru Makes It Easy.

Discover The Easiest (And Most Up-To-Date) Way To Learn The NLP Meta Model So You Can Use It Fluently In Everyday Contexts - To Ask Great Questions, Solve Problems Easily and Transform Lives More Quickly…

Tom O'Connor

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wished you could transform friends, family and clients limitations in a fraction of the time they had been struggling with that very same problem?

... have you ever wished you were so good with the language side of NLP that people frequently thought you MUST be a mind reader because you seem to know things that they never shared?

...would you like to have the exquisite ability to "connect up the dots" and deliver penetrating insights on topics that previously you know very little about?

... do you wish to be the go to guy or girl?... that unique person whose insights and perspective is always in demand... where clients and family seek you out to help them find previously undiscovered solutions to seemingly daunting problems...

...would you like to become really good with two of NLP's most powerful language and thinking models?

... have you ever wanted to know really well the ONE framework that every master trainer and highly paid consultant who uses NLP professionally to create great results for their clients uses?

Well the good news is, this person can be you.

The key is to get really good with two powerhouse models of NLP...

The first you may have heard of, perhaps even studied before it is called the Meta Model - and expert use with it lies at the heart of skillful work with NLP.

The second model is the a closely guarded framework that has never been written about in any book on NLP, but is known by many as the "Swiss army knife" tool for working with language and NLP. It's called the Framing Tool.

In this exclusive home study program you will learn both.

Let's first take a look at the Meta Model... a tool so powerful that Richard Bandler once said...

Why Mastering The Meta Model

Is One Of The Most Useful Skills

You Can Ever Learn In All of NLP

Becoming really skillful with the NLP Meta Model lies at the heart of becoming really good with NLP. It is used extensively by every really good trainer and practitioner of NLP to get to results fast.

In fact if there is one tool that supersedes just about all the rest, in terms of immediate real world advantage and ease of use then the Meta Model would have to be it.

When you know the Meta Model really well, it can accelerate your skills with the rest of the technology such as mastering Strategies, Sleight of Mouth, Sub-modalities and a whole lot more.

Yet the unfortunate TRUTH is many people who learn NLP rarely develop great skill with the Meta Model.

Yet when you learn the two EXPERT models thoughts in this training program you can rapidly get to the heart of your client's issue and have the tools to transform seemingly stuck problems quickly.

When you are working on making changes for yourself or helping others you will always have one of the most powerful tools ever created to cut through limitations, mis-perceptions and limiting beliefs AND best of all you will be able to do this entirely conversationally.

Yet the Meta Model has many, many uses.

Such as:

  • Being an excellent tool for persuasion and influence
  • Helping you quickly transform people's maps and models about any context (not just therapeutic ones)
  • Becoming an expert planner and problem solver
  • Become a better consultant and communicator
  • Be an expert coach, manager, analyst, hypnotist, parent
  • Eliciting high quality information (for engineering contexts for example or anywhere else where clear communication and the avoidance of ms-understandings is a must)
  • Doing trance work (yes you heard that correctly)
  • Changing beliefs
  • Installing strategies
  • Interrupting, changing and amplifying states
  • Become an expert trainer and facilitator
  • Designing and planning a new business venture
  • Using it as a tool for spiritual development
  • Become your own guru, change agent, expert
  • Etc. etc.

The list is potentially endless.

Yet the sad situation is most people simply don't know. But it doesn't need to be that way...

That is why I say that really mastering the Meta Model is one of the most rewarding and useful skills you can learn from the entire domain of NLP no matter what you do or aspire to be in your life.

The application of the two tools you will learn in this program is nearly endless.

Yet very few students who learn the Meta Model are aware or use the Meta Model in such a wide variety of contexts and applications.

This raises a good question...

Why So Many Students Struggle To Use The Meta Model Skillfully

Reason #1 They Are Using Outdated Knowledge

Although the Meta Model was first detailed in 1975 in "The Structure of Magic Volume 1" - the book is primarily designed to teach you a tool for how to become a more effective therapist, circa 1970's.

The book is not about how Richard Bandler and a few elite NLP trainers use it today.

Yet unfortunately many training courses, NLP books and authors are teaching the Meta Model in the same stimulus-response way as outlined in the original text.

So we have stimulus-response type interactions like:

Client: "Life sucks!"

NLPer: "How specifically does your life suck?"

Client: "You know its just that everything is dark and gloomy.

NLPer: "How specifically is it dark and gloomy?"

You get the idea... it is annoying, it's boring and 25 minutes later both client and (inexperienced) NLPer are feeling depressed! And the well intended practitioner is left scratching his head.

If you have learned the Meta Model already - do you still use it in this way?

Do you really want to only know how to use it in therapeutic contexts or would you like to be able to use it anywhere in your business and personal life?

But here is the hitch... only a few NLP trainers teaching today have the insight and expertise with the Meta Model to teach you how to use it really well.

When you learn what is taught in this training you will be using up to date knowledge and strategies based on decades of experience by one of the world's foremost experts on the Meta Model.

Reason #2 They Don't Have An Effective Strategy

The second biggest trap that many people have shared that they have fallen into is when trying to penetrate the Meta Model, whether from books circa 1970s or the more recent publications, is that for the most part there is no strategy given telling you how to know what questions to ask.

Yet all the great NLP trainers, like Richard Bandler, Tony Robbins, Michael Breen and others have an expert strategy they use when the apply the Meta Model. Wouldn't it be nice to know what that is?

 Without an explicit strategy, a way of organizing and using this powerful Meta Model all any student will be able to do is shoot back pre-packaged questions but have no idea of:

... where that line of questioning is going?

... how does the model work?

and what framework I can use to drive it forward

And too many students fall into this trap. 

Reason #3 They Struggle To Apply It In Everyday Context

The third big trap that many students fall into is they don't know how to use the Meta Model in contexts outside of therapeutic environments. Which is a BIG problem if you aren't making your living as a therapist!

So they are stuck thinking that you can only use in in therapeutic contexts.

This happens because if the main way you learned the Meta Model was just in a training room and don't see any other contexts then your brain, can have difficulty mapping that same tool/technology into OTHER contexts.

Essentially many NLPers have a form of brain-lock.

The good news is it doesn't have to be this way...

Discover The NEW Arrangement

Of The Meta Model That Makes

Getting Results Far Easier

For decades many NLP trainers were re-producing effectively much of the same stimulus-response type format to using the Meta Model that was outlined in Structure of Magic Volume 1. Essentially it looked and sounded the same and almost everyone was teaching it as a therapeutic tool and doing little else.

Of course Richard and John (Grinder) were refining and developing their own views on how to enhance the Meta Model, but it wasn't until the late 90's that a new face came on the NLP scene to articulate and design a new framework to work with the Meta Model to create brilliant results...

His name is Michael Breen, a thirty five year veteran of NLP and a renowned master trainer who has developed special recognition by his peers for his mastery with the Meta Model.

For decades Michael has been refining and enhancing how to use the Meta Model for NON THERAPEUTIC CONTEXTS to get magical results.

It all started out after Michael began training with Richard Bandler back in the mid 90's.

Here is how Michael describes it:

Michael Breen

Renowned NLP Master Trainer & Celebrity Coach

"In 1994, I took my first training with Richard Bandler. And it was a bit of a shock, aside from Richard's unique personality, his use of language was substantially different from any of the other people who were around in the early days of NLP. And more than that, he seemed to be getting much better results, much more quickly.... I noticed that he was asking the wrong questions from the point of view of the old style of working with the meta model.

I started asking Richard some really dumb questions and Richard very kindly gave me some answers and gave me some references and told me some things to do. And as I started to explore and ask questions, what became apparent was that the way that I had been taught to use the meta model was not the way that one uses the meta model in order to get results."

Michael went on to explore exactly how Richard was using the Meta Model to get really good results fast and helped train over 25,000 students while he co-trained with Dr. Richard Bandler and Paul Mckenna for over a decade. Together it became the largest NLP training company in the world.

Michael then took NLP in to the business environment and co-ran one of the most successful consultant companies in Europe and then went on to create the UK's first Business Practitioner and Master Business Practitioner School that Celebrity Hypnotist Paul McKenna described as:

"There is nothing else like it, anywhere in the NLP world."

But he didn't stop there.

Meet Your Instructor - Michael Breen


One of the industry's most well respected Master NLP Trainers & Celebrity Coaches

This mini video series is taught by a world-class master NLP trainer and celebrity coach Michael Breen.

Michael has:

Over 35 years experience teaching NLP around the world

Is a Master Hypnotist, Master DHE trainer and Master NLP trainer

Co‐founded largest NLP training school in the world 

For 10 years co-ran workshops with Dr. Richard Bandler & Paul McKenna

Is an expert at behavioral change and hypnosis

Management consultant to numerous Fortune 100 companies

Created the first business NLP practitioner in the UK

And is known for teaching NLP and hypnosis in a way that makes it very easy to apply

Has taught over 100,000 students

Learn How Real NLP Experts

Like Dr. Richard Bandler & Michael Breen 

Use The Meta Model Expertly, So You Can Too...

After years of working with Richard, Michael codified how Richard uses the Meta Model.

He captured the major distinctions in how to use the Meta Model expertly in any context and the good news is, he has now made it available for you to learn inside this program.

Michael has gone to great length to capture:

The exact blueprint that people like Richard and Michael use when helping their clients get really good results

How to transform limitations with ease, while having your clients feel like doing so was the most natural feeling in the world

How to calibrate to a person's map/model quickly so you can zero in on what is keeping them stuck and what needs to change

How to feel confident that you can get great results quickly for your clients, friends and family

How to use the Meta Model to penetrate deeply inside someone's mind and help connect up ideas in unique and compelling ways that leads to your clients taking action

The process he first described in the original version of this program ("Meta Model the complete series") has quickly become the go-to guide for learning every key aspect of the Meta Model.

Renowned NLP Master Trainer Eric Robbie (Inventor of the Advanced submodalities) has this to say about Michael's updated training on the Meta Model...

Eric Robbie

Renowned NLP Master Trainer

"This is first rate, as it concentrates on how Richard Bandler uses it, to explore language and beliefs rather than just gather information."

The original series focused on the Meta Model primarily.

This NEW AND EXPANDED EDITION adds for the first time ever hours of additional material on Michael secret "Consultants Framework".

Plus Learn Michael Breen's Revolutionary Thinking & Problem Solving Framework...

(That Transforms The Impact That You Can Create)

It's called "The Framing Tool".

It works amazingly well with The Meta Model and was specially created by Michael to help students and fellow consultants quickly calibrate to the client's "Frame of Reference" and to to systematically think through the presenting problem to create viable solutions.

It's not available in any books, or on any other NLP training courses. It's only available to learn in the comfort of your home from NLP Times.

For over a decade the Framing Tool has been a cornerstone part of the "secret sauce" Michael uses in every engagement, whether he is helping coach a Fortune 500 leader, celebrity, design world class trainings, model brilliant exemplars or assist a troubled client who is stuck with an insurmountable problem.

It is the same tool he has been paid high fees to teach leading consultants and business professionals. And up until now it has never been released in a video training product.

The Framing Tool fills the gap of helping you quickly and rapidly identify:

  • Are you solving the right issue?
  • What really is at the root of the client's problem?
  • Will the solution you propose meet the clients real requirements?
  • Where is the leverage point for creating change conversationally and fast?
  • How can I ask "killer questions" that completely change how the client is holding the problem state?
  • How can I know what Meta Model patterns will likely have the biggest impact on my client?
  • How the client is organizing their world and what ideas haven't they yet considered that could be key in creating magical results?
  • How can I present ideas and suggestions in a way where they lead the client to taking almost immediate action?
  • And much much more

The Framing Tool is known as the "Swiss Army Knife" every person can benefit from because it teaches you HOW TO THINK really well and systematically, so you can quickly diagnose and troubleshoot through tough problems.

Combine these two - The Meta Model and Michael's Framing Tool and you have one of the most powerful arsenals for thinking through any problem, presenting ideas and finding solutions in a way that works.

So when you buy this training you get to enjoy not one but TWO of the most powerful language and thinking tools ever created in NLP, but for the price of 1!


Language Guru

Mastering The Meta Model

Language Guru Mastering The Meta Model transforms what you can do with the Meta Model.

For starters, this training is complete step-by-step program on how to become really good with using Meta Model to create breakthroughs when working with others in everyday context.

This unique training is designed for learning how to use the Meta Model and Framing Tool in real life everyday contexts.

(Note: If you are looking to learn the Meta Model for therapeutic application then this training isn't therapy focused. It's all about using the Meta Model skillfully in ordinary conversations.)

In addition to learning how to use the Meta Model skillfully, you're also going to learn how to use it to quickly map out and explore how a person is constructing their model of the world, using Michael Breen's framing tool.

The Framing Tool, combined with the Meta Model, gives you a tremendously powerful suite of tools and canvas to transform client's challenges and problems with ease. Regardless if you work as a coach, consultant, a manager, or any kind of people helper, the material you will learn in this program will help you become far more skilled at thinking your way through both professional and personal problems.

Plus so much more.

Language Guru Mastering The Meta Model is organised in to 7 easy to follow video modules.

Here's a quick taster of what you'll learn...


Discover The Latest Updates

To The Meta Model

& How Real Experts Use It.

Module 1 is called the Big View, because it lays the foundation for everything else you need to know about the Meta Model.

You won't be learning about outdated therapeutic ways of thinking and using the Meta Model, rather Michael is going to teach you exactly how to organize and think about the Meta Model so that you can quickly penetrate beyond stimulus-response approach common in NLP. How to use this powerful tool anywhere.

You will:

Learn the most up to date structure and hierarchy of the Meta Model as used by Michael that is the platform from which you will be able to get such good results with the technology

Learn the most up to date structure and hierarchy of the Meta Model as used by Michael that is the platform from which you will be able to get such good results with the technology

Discover the strategy that Michael patterned from Richard Bandler who was asking the "wrong questions"... yet getting amazing results...

Discover how to apply the Meta Model so you can get truly magical results in any communication context from coaching to change work to persuasion. As shared earlier there is a world of applications and contexts which you can use the Meta Model on.

Learn what is at the heart of how you effortlessly change and transform someone' model of the world.

Why the way many people teach the Meta Model is NOT the way to get results and will leave you handicapped to simply knowing ONLY stimulus-response style use of the Meta Model

Discover the organizing principle behind how Michael and Richard Bandler use the Meta Model that is key to doing great work. This one distinction when applied will immediately transform the results you get and not in any book.

Learn the underlying processes that drives how human being experience the world. When you get this big ah-ha idea you will never be stuck wondering what are you trying to do when you are working with the Meta Model.

Learn a powerful thinking orientation tool for mapping "on the fly" areas of opportunity for you to land well targeted questions that can instantly open up room for change and transform peoples thinking about the world

Say goodbye to asking questions looking to "fill in the blanks" and learn the masters way to questioning and interacting with clients that is conversational and easy flowing in its approach

Find out how to elegantly pick apart perceived limitations and create unseen potential and possibilities for your clients... this is based on the very same thinking processes Michael teaches and uses with his high paying clients

Discover the "simplest question", the one question that opens the door to their model of the world and enables you to quickly calibrate to how they are organizing their world. If you don't know how the problem state is operating you have hit or miss change of being able to change it. This ONE question is one of the fastest ways to discovering how a person is organizing their world.

Learn the linguistic patterns that are core to how a person motivates themselves and essential to creating feelings of stress, ease, frustration, excitement etc. By helping your clients make a simple change using these words, you can create a 'magic' away previously stuck states and move them to action

Develop multiple ways to navigate a clients presenting statement so that you never are stuck for finding multiple ways to shape, influence and remold how they perceive their world. This isn't Jedi Magic but it is pretty close to it!

Master the "reality" building block pattern that defines the structure of how a person organises their world and shows you the key leverage points to help the speaker discover new and better ways to think about things. Learn this skill and you can create more choice and freedom for yourself and your clients lives

Learn how the brain can misrepresent and organizes processes in the world that unchallenged can keep a person unknowingly stuck and unable to find a meaningful solution yet with one powerful question you can help guide them back to seeing a solution...

Learn about the 13 major patterns of the Meta Model, not just what they are, but their relationship to each other and how they work to create a very powerful tool for information gathering, influencing and transforming a person's representations of the world. Most resources on the Meta Model treat them as separate and isolated patterns but you will know how they all connect

Step inside the three primary classes of predicates - the so called qualitative aspects of language and how mastery of these can enable you to dramatically influence precisely how a person represents what you express

Hear gems of wisdom from Michael on how to put what you have just learned into practice

In addition to this professionally recorded 60 minute video training you will also receive:

Exclusive reports and assignments targeting:

  • What it actually takes to master the Meta Model
  • A 10 point strategy for ensuring you are following a highly effective strategy for working with the Meta Model
  • The Meta Model "flight check" self-diagnostic process for ensuring you are consistently on target
  • A proven process to get really good with the lower layers of the Meta Model
  • Also receive your very own custom high quality Meta Model wallpapers in 4 different sizes and two different styles so you can imprint the structure on your mind. Print for cool poster or save as desktop wallpaper.

This training is jam packed of immediately usable and useful distinctions and powerful ways of using the Meta Model to get magical results.

With the foundations firmly at your back we dive into...


Learn How To Use The Meta Model In Everyday Interactions - Powerfully!

Once you have a firm grip on the key patterns of the Meta Model and how they work together you are going to have a opportunity to put what you have learned immediately into practice. So we have created some cool assignments for you.

In "Everyday Examples" you will:

Learn the meta pattern for what it takes to get good with the Meta Model

You will complete three fun assignments based on analyzing public video of:

A group dialogue on a popular TV show

A heated exchange between two well known celebrities in an interview gone wrong...

A hot exchange between a well known atheist and a believer in God, both trying to impress on the other that their view is right and the others wrong!

Receive complete Meta Model assignment templates so you can track through each class of linguistic pattern

Enjoy sample answers for all assignments so you can compare against your performance and identify areas for improvement.

By the time you have completed these cool assignments you will have a very good ear for "Meta Model violations" and will be ready to turn your focus to the next step in this mastery learning process... it's time to zero in on...


Go Beyond Mere Therapeutic Applications & Discover How To Use The Meta Model In Everyday Work And Life Contexts

"Deeper Applications" is designed to teach you...

The real purpose of creating rapport... that has nothing to do with like ability yet is essential to doing effective work

What patterns lie at the heart of how to create a compelling argument so that people listen to what you have to say and become open to your suggestions...

How to use a combination of truisms and presuppositions elegantly so you can place ideas inside another person's mind with minimum resistance

How the choices you make with language can have a profound difference on the experience of your listener

How to become good at intentionally using language to affect another person's experience

Discover what language patterns lie at the heart of motivating yourself and others

Learn elegant use of counter-examples to ensure you frame the problem so it is solvable (this is a key habit of all expert problem solvers and coaches make that novices and less skilled folks don't).

How to identify generalizations both overtly and covertly and how to break generalizations quickly and easily

How to set the frame of reference in a conversation so that avoid unnecessary "resistance" during one to one and group communications

And much more


Watch In-Depth Video Demonstrations 

Of The Entire Toolkit Being Used

In Live Client Sessions

After learning exactly how the Meta Model works and is used by those who are highly skilled with it, you'll get to look over Michael's shoulder as applies the toolkit with two clients.

This is where the "rubber meets the road" and you see Michael use everything he has been teaching you to effortlessly transform limitations and "disappear" problems for two business professionals.

The dialogue is completely conversational...

The intervention seemingly invisible (to the traditional NLPers eye), fast and lasting

You will love the ease at which Michael quickly transform the client's problems

You complete this section with an assignment to use and apply what you have learned to track exactly what Michael is doing

Many folks who are welded to the old way of thinking and using the Meta Model are unable to track conversational Meta Model usage in action unless it follows the traditional stimulus-response approach. By the end of this section you will have a firm grip on how to use the Model like true experts do.

But we don't stop there. In Module 7 we provide you with a much deeper understanding of precisely what Michael is doing as he is doing... will be disclosed to you.


Upgrade Your Communication, Thinking & Questioning Skill By Learning All About

'The Framing Tool'

In Module 5, join Michael as he presents to hundreds of students one of the most important tools ever created in NLP - The Framing Tool.

The Framing Tool shows you how to have penetrative insights about how client is 'doing' the problem state and what needs to change to create the outcome they want, plus so much more.

Almost all trainings on the Meta Model just cover the basic stimulus-response patterns of the Meta Model and that's it. It is left up to you to figure out what strategy to use on how to apply them. Not anymore.

In this section you will learn about one of the most secret and powerful NLP thinking tools for working with problems. Michael developed it after years of working and refining how he used the Meta Model while helping his high paying clients solve their most pressing personal, professional, organizational and coaching problems.

The Framing Tool has never before publicly shared in a video product, gives you an expert framework for identifying and mapping the clients "Frame of Reference".

This becomes mission critical if you want to be able to do:

  • Elegant work
  • Create the biggest amount of change using the smallest intervention
  • Appear to be "psychic" to friends, family and colleagues
  • Penetrate deeper beyond the immediate problem or solution set and anticipate challenges
  • Create solution sets for your clients that work (and not the obvious things they have already tried but failed to get them to their outcome!)

You may have heard before NLP is the study of subjective experience, yet one of the omissions that most people don't know about is it also refers to "what can be calculated from it".

The Framing Tool is a powerful framework that enables you to do the second part - to calculate what must be present, what can't be present and what must always be present within someone map or model.

Knowing this kind of information, as you will learn will enable you to dramatically transform your effectiveness with the Meta Model.

Inside this LIVE conference presentation you'll learn:

Learn the most up to date structure and hierarchy of the Meta Model as used by Michael that is the platform from which you will be able to get such good results with the technology

Learn the most up to date structure and hierarchy of the Meta Model as used by Michael that is the platform from which you will be able to get such good results with the technology

Discover the strategy that Michael patterned from Richard Bandler who was asking the "wrong questions"... yet getting amazing results...

Discover how to apply the Meta Model so you can get truly magical results in any communication context from coaching to change work to persuasion. As shared earlier there is a world of applications and contexts which you can use the Meta Model on.

Learn what is at the heart of how you effortlessly change and transform someone' model of the world.

Why the way many people teach the Meta Model is NOT the way to get results and will leave you handicapped to simply knowing ONLY stimulus-response style use of the Meta Model

Discover the organizing principle behind how Michael and Richard Bandler use the Meta Model that is key to doing great work. This one distinction when applied will immediately transform the results you get and not in any book.

Learn the underlying processes that drives how human being experience the world. When you get this big ah-ha idea you will never be stuck wondering what are you trying to do when you are working with the Meta Model.

Learn a powerful thinking orientation tool for mapping "on the fly" areas of opportunity for you to land well targeted questions that can instantly open up room for change and transform peoples thinking about the world

Say goodbye to asking questions looking to "fill in the blanks" and learn the masters way to questioning and interacting with clients that is conversational and easy flowing in its approach

Find out how to elegantly pick apart perceived limitations and create unseen potential and possibilities for your clients... this is based on the very same thinking processes Michael teaches and uses with his high paying clients

Discover the "simplest question", the one question that opens the door to their model of the world and enables you to quickly calibrate to how they are organizing their world. If you don't know how the problem state is operating you have hit or miss change of being able to change it. This ONE question is one of the fastest ways to discovering how a person is organizing their world.

Learn the linguistic patterns that are core to how a person motivates themselves and essential to creating feelings of stress, ease, frustration, excitement etc. By helping your clients make a simple change using these words, you can create a 'magic' away previously stuck states and move them to action

Develop multiple ways to navigate a clients presenting statement so that you never are stuck for finding multiple ways to shape, influence and remold how they perceive their world. This isn't Jedi Magic but it is pretty close to it!

Master the "reality" building block pattern that defines the structure of how a person organises their world and shows you the key leverage points to help the speaker discover new and better ways to think about things. Learn this skill and you can create more choice and freedom for yourself and your clients lives

Learn how the brain can misrepresent and organizes processes in the world that unchallenged can keep a person unknowingly stuck and unable to find a meaningful solution yet with one powerful question you can help guide them back to seeing a solution...

Learn about the 13 major patterns of the Meta Model, not just what they are, but their relationship to each other and how they work to create a very powerful tool for information gathering, influencing and transforming a person's representations of the world. Most resources on the Meta Model treat them as separate and isolated patterns but you will know how they all connect

Step inside the three primary classes of predicates - the so called qualitative aspects of language and how mastery of these can enable you to dramatically influence precisely how a person represents what you express

Hear gems of wisdom from Michael on how to put what you have just learned into practice

The Framing Tool is very powerful because in one simple framework you finally have a way to place any utterance anyone says and identify the key frame of reference that informs you how they are binding their experience.

Once you know how they are "structuring" their reality you have an immensely powerful tool to be able to influence, shape and transform it.

No longer will you be "throwing Meta Model questions against a wall and hoping something sticks". You finally will have a very structured and useful way for working with the client's presenting problems.


Discover How To Use The Framing Tool In Ways That Can Make You Seem Psychic

In Module 6 Michael teaches you how to put the Framing Tool into action so you can quickly ask better questions, killer questions that lead to transformation and change. People may even wonder if you are psychic!

Specifically you will learn:

The four organizing questions the drive the framing tool... never before shared in any product... that will allow you to be agile and skilled with your questioning and finding the edge of your clients model... especially valuable when looking to do conversational change

How you use questions to improve your OWN thinking... so you can be more intelligent, smarter and resourceful change and persuasion agent

How by shifting your frame of reference and using the Framing Tool in connection with the Meta Model you can shift the client's world view - and in doing so you can transform the "problem" (even seemingly disappear the problem)

20 page exclusive report detailing how to use several the core Framing Tool questions for enhancing your skill with the Framing Tool to ask "killer questions"

11 page exclusive report called "Going Deeper On The Framing Tool" that teaches you what causal modeling is and the four key classes of cause effect patterns that bind reality (ever master of NLP knows these) and lie at the heart of creating compelling arguments patterns of how you effortlessly change and transform someone' model of the world.

An 8 page step-by-step report walking you through the key steps and questions to becoming more skillful with the Framing Tool

You will also receive several Framing Tool Assignments To Develop Your Skill & Put This Powerful Framework In To Action.

With a core understanding of the Meta Model and Framing Tool under your belt it is time to turn our attention to "deeper applications" of the Meta Model. 


Plus Enjoy Frame-By-Frame

Expert Analysis Of Client Sessions

Tons of NLPers told us they would LOVE to know exactly what Michael is doing when he is doing it, because it can be difficult to track all the processes and activities at work when an expert is doing great work. So in this final disc you will enjoy TWO expert analyses of both interventions, giving you moment by moment description of what is occurring when.

This will open your eyes to a WHOLE new world of activities that every skilled change agent and practitioner of NLP needs to be doing in addition to using the Meta Model when doing elegant work.

In this training section you will learn:

Exactly what Michael is doing as he is doing it

How he is using the Meta Model and Framing Tool constantly yet he isn't sticking to standard "Meta Model questions"

Learn the key patterns Michael is employing to create seemingly effortless change

Observe how Michael is employing everything you have been learning here to get a powerful result, fast

Why he doesn't just stick to the Meta Model and Framing Tool when doing intervention work and why you won't want to too

And much more

This is a behind the scenes deep-dive of live sessions showing you step-by-step how Michael uses the Meta Model and Framing Tool to do rapid conversational change.

Here's A Quick Review of Everything You Get:

This program is the most in depth expert training in how to master the Meta Model and Michael Breen's expert thinking and problem solving tool called The Framing Tool. You will receive the equivalent of nearly 2 full days of training on the Meta Model and Framing Tool from one of the field's foremost experts.

The entire program is being delivered digitally via our secure NLP Times Training Portal.

This means you will enjoy near instant access to the full training shortly after purchasing today and there is no delay waiting days or weeks for it to arrive or international shipping costs to take care of. Nor do you need to worry about DVD scratches or bad discs.

Everything you have read about here will be DOWNLOADABLE & viewable within the training portal. No materials are being shipped, this is a digital download product.

Exclusive reports and assignments targeting:

  • What it actually takes to master the Meta Model
  • A 10 point strategy for ensuring you are following a highly effective strategy for working with the Meta Model.
  • The Meta Model "flight check" self-diagnostic process for ensuring you are consistently on target
  • A proven process to get really good with the lower layers of the Meta Model .
  • Also receive your very own custom high quality Meta Model wallpapers in 4 different sizes and two different styles so you can imprint the structure on your mind.
  • Print for cool poster or save as desktop wallpaper.

What Customers Are Saying:

Ben Green


“The great thing about Language Guru is that it is always there for you to dip into whenever you need to check your understanding.

Michael explains things so clearly, not just the individual bits of the meta-model but how all the pieces relate to each other and fit together.”

Wesley Anderson


“I was amazed at how much I overestimated my skill level in using the Meta Model.... Inside Language Guru I learned some incredible new distinctions in how to use the Meta Model elegantly.

It certainly has been helpful to learn to pay attention to the most important Meta Model distinctions for client change. I also learned just how much more practice with it even after 22 years of using it in my hypnotherapy practice.

Parag Patel


"I found the training easy to go through and put into practice immediately.

From completing this course I was able to apply what is taught to my own issues, helped others with their issues, and understand how the Meta Model can be used in limitless ways beyond standard sleight of mouth.

I would definitely recommend this training. It's an essential application of the Meta Model."

John Johnston


“I've learned a lot; this kind of information is cannot be found anywhere in the current books or on the market or on the “inter nut"!... 

Michael challenges the current NLP model that a lot of people take as set in stone. He updates it, and that was an experience itself. I un-learnt, learnt, and re-learnt a lot of things. Anyone wanting to keep current in NLP and to add to their skill-set must take advantage of the NLPTimes products. And they have great customer-service.”

Vi Young


“Many of the great NLP coaches I respect often emphasises Meta Model as THE NLP tool to have in your toolbox. I had not, until purchasing Language Guru, had an effective and coherent way to learn the Metal Model that actually stuck. It was like revising for a test, then forgetting what you revised a week later. I saw a video on YouTube, Michael Breen, teaching a part of the Meta Model at a live training. I was really blown away when he demonstrated that there was logic to the madness!

Language Guru is by far the best purchase I have ever made in relation to NLP.”

Patrick Fordell


"I have gained a much deeper understanding of HOW to do NLP instead of concepts stacked on top of each other from everything.... Everything is put into context and put back into behavioral terms of the purpose of doing them instead of the old technique-jargon.

I have gotten a lot better results thanks to the work of Michael Breen and so have my participants on the trainings I do. Thank you!"

Mamdouh Mahmoud


"I can see the fundamental change in the way I deal with everyone around me. 3-5 times daily there is that internal "yes, this thing works.. OMG it is marvelous!"I just studied 3 modules of the training and already have succeeded to solve a major problem with staffing at a non profit organization that if I handled without these tools, would have created lots of friction in the community" 

Colin G.


"Language Guru - Mastering The Meta Model is the best NLP / Coaching product available if you really want to learn and master the Meta Model.

Michael explains THE fundamental model for getting results with NLP in a way that enables you to understand the big picture and how all the pieces of the 'jigsaw' fit together."

Virginia Cooper


"The exact strategy and key distinctions taught in this program were based on the major differences Michael patterned between how Richard used the Meta Model vs. everyone else.. who typically weren't able to get anywhere near the same results as quickly and efficiently.

Michael's explanation of the Meta Model is the best I've found!”

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need any previous NLP training?

No, you don't need any previous training.

Everything you need to get up to speed is taught inside this program.

2. What will this course allow me to do?

By the time you have gone through this course you will be able to:

Ask penetrating questions that quickly transform client's problems

Have learned the same strategy that Michael modeled from Richard Bandler in how to expertly use the Meta Model

Rapidly calibrate to a person's map/model so you can rapidly help them create a new way of thinking the "disappears" very often their problems

Feel confident that you can get top results for your clients, friends, family or loved ones consistently and fast, in multiple environments

Have TWO phenomenal models in your toolkit to help you become more persuasive, challenge any argument, influence others

Transform limitations with ease and have your clients feel like doing so was the most natural feeling in the world

Never be stuck for a next question to ask or be limited to "stimulus-response" approach to using the Meta Model that is so widespread today

Become a person who can penetrate deeply inside someone's mind and help connect up ideas in unique and compelling ways that leads them to take action automatically

Actually know what you are doing, when you are doing it and not hoping that "something will stick"

3. How do I know if the program is right for me?

If you have never learned the Meta Model and want to learn two of the most powerful frameworks available today in NLP, then this is the most extensive, up to date and thoroughly step-by-step training program available anywhere. You will be learning the same expert strategy for using the Meta Model that only a handful of the leading experts in NLP know.

If you have already studied the Meta Model before either through a training or book resource, and you are wondering if this is the right program for you...

Just answer do you...

Want to get beyond knowing the theory of the Meta Model and become truly skilled in using it

Would like to learn the EXPERT strategy and unique framework for using with the Meta Model that ensure you always know what question to ask and have a clear direction you are working toward...

Do you want to learn how to use the Meta Model to get results fast/faster with your clients

Have greater confidence, know what makes people "tick" and be able to gracefully help others achieve their goals

Finally if being a great thinker, problem solver, persuader, change agent, influencer is something that is important in the work that you do... then this program is definitely for you.

We believe so much in how powerful this program is that we are offering a sixty day risk-free trial (details below) so you have nothing to stop you from ordering today.

5. I've already studied the Meta Model on my practitioner, is it still for me?


In fact, what you'll learn here is the updated representation of the Meta Model that will allow you to be able to use the technology of NLP in much more skillful and powerful ways.

Regardless if you are a practitioner, master practitioner, trainer, even many well-known master trainers have turned to Michael Breen to learn how to use the Meta Model in much more skillful and elegant ways..

No matter what skill level you have, you will learn new things here. Plus you'll also learn Michael's unique Framing Tool which allows you to use the Meta Model and the entire toolset of NLP in far more advanced ways.

6. I want to use NLP in business, will this help me?

Yes, absolutely!

In fact, master trainer Michael Breen works primarily as an executive coach and consultants to some of the world's biggest companies and clientele, where using the Meta Model in the way that it is taught in the book, Structure of Magic, or in traditional practitioner or master practitioner programs is not appropriate.

The approach you will learn in this program is designed to allow you to use the Meta Model in business and other real-world contexts, where when you apply what Michael teaches, you'll be able to create significantly better results at work.

And when you add in everything you learn about the Framing Tool, you're ability to solve problems quickly and effectively will dramatically increase.

7. What makes this course unique?

First, you'll be learning these two powerful frameworks from renowned master NLP trainer Michael Breen.

Michael co-delivered trainings with Dr. Richard Bandler for over 10 years, and co-built the world's largest NLP training company. He has over 35 years experience and developing this toolset and is widely regarded as experts go-to when they want to learn the updated application and use of the Meta Model.

Secondly, you'll also be learning from creator of the Framing Tool that amplifies what you can do with using the Meta Model. The Framing Tool is the Swiss Army Knife that gives you tremendous ability to be able to use not just the Meta Model, but all the NLP tools in a far more integrated and elegant way.

Thirdly, you'll be getting the most up-to-date teachings of the Meta Model. Traditional Meta Model trainings today still teach the model based on how it was originally coded from the 1979 book, the Structure of Magic.

In addition to enjoying detailed video training, walking you through step by step how to use both these frameworks, unlike other trainings, you'll also get to see how these tools are used together in live client context. You'll get to look over Michael's shoulder as he uses these tools to help clients transform their situations.

Plus you'll also be given an expert step by step breakdown of the client sessions so you can follow along to see for yourself how getting good with the Meta Model and Framing Tool goes far beyond to what was being taught.

Let's Talk About Your Investment

To Learn This Life & Career Advancing Skills

If you're wondering, "How much does it cost to acquire all these career and life changing skills?"

Well I'm pleased to say you investment is TINY comparison to major financial investment and tens of thousands of hours, Michael has paid up front to get these skills. He has personally invested over $150,000.00 in his own training to work with and model the very best.

Thankfully you'll be saved all this time and effort.

Because you will be getting the fruits of 35 years of diligent application, testing and experimentation with the Meta Model, for one great price.

You learn the same core strategy Michael modeled from the Co-Creator of NLP, Dr. Richard Bandler.

And since updated so you can use the Meta Model far more powerfully.

And enjoying all the enhancements Michael has made from decades of 'in the field' testing and innovating he has done with the technology.

Michael has taught over 20,000 students how to use these two tools to create breakthrough results.

Conservatively if you put a estimate on this investment; the time, the expertise and hard-cash to acquire the 'best of the best' strategies and knowledge shared in this training it would easily total well over six figures...

To learn these skills as part of one of Michael's business practitioner programs would cost you $3,000.

But in this exclusive digital streaming offer, you can get everything for...

... $495.00!

And to make this decisions even more easy for you, I'm also going to give you...

An Unbeatable Guarantee

Try 'Language Guru

Mastering The Meta Model'

For a Full 30 days, 100% Risk Free...

To completely take away any risk from you I am also going to give you a 30-day - Hassle Free - Money Back Guarantee.

If for any reason whatsoever, you don’t like the program or you don’t think you got value from it - within 30 days – you can send me an email and I will give you a full refund.

So you risk nothing – buy the program, watch all the videos and try out the exercises. As long as its within 30 days, you can claim a full refund if you don’t think we have delivered!That’s how confident I am in the power of this material!

Yes Tom! I'm Ready To Discover The Easiest (And Most Up-To-Date) Way To Learn The NLP Meta Model So You Can Use It Fluently In Everyday Contexts

I understand when I purchase Language Guru Meta Model today I get ... 

The field's premier and most up-to-date home study system on the Meta Model, taught by a renowned master trainer, so you can create magical results, in just about any context

7 video training modules

MODULE 1: The Big View

MODULE 2: Everyday Examples

MODULE 3: Deeper Applications

MODULE 4: Client Interventions

MODULE 5: The Framing Tool

MODULE 6: Putting It All In Action

MODULE 7: Expert Analysis

In depth training on the Michael Breen's elite Framing Tool

Video demonstrations of client sessions so you can look over Michael's shoulder

'Director's Cut' expert analysis of client sessions so you can watch as every trick, technique and strategy is revealed

In depth reports and assignments...

Iron-clad 30-day money back guarantee

Get Language Guru Mastering The Meta Model Today...

Just $495!

To your success,


P.S. This is the most in-depth video training program available on the Meta Model and Framing Tool available anywhere. If you want to transform what you can do in the areas of problem-solving, coaching, change work, persuasion or business engagements then learning the latest organization of the Meta Model is a must.

P.P.S. This training comes with our 30-day iron-clad money-back guarantee. If you feel this training isn't easily worth several times your investment then simply contact me and I'll give you a full refund. You have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose. Order today.

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