After discovering this, you too will say...
“This completely revolutionised the way I learn. It’s saved me decades of trial-and-error and spared me from countless failures.
Today, success no longer feels like a struggle—Instead, I simply model proven strategies that work and achieve results faster than I ever thought possible!”
Best part: With this system you can conversationally model the strategies of people who are already getting the results you want, in everyday social conversations … as well as in serious business meetings and create your very own expert strategies playbook you’ll return again and again!
Tom O'Connor, London, UK
Dear Friend,
Do you consider yourself smart? Or would you like to be far smarter and more talented without having to go back to school and get an MBA or Ph.D.? Or invest 10,000 hours to learn a new skill?
Then read on…
…because what I am about to reveal is far more valuable than getting a piece of paper that millions of people already have, or learning just one skill, when you could acquire dozens or even hundreds in a fraction of that time…
…I’m going to show you a little-known master system for acquiring other people’s best capabilities that very, very few people know.
With it, you will have the tools to become far smarter, more resourceful and if you wish, a super learner, admired and respected by your peers, family, and friends for your ability to acquire new
skills like no one they know.
If there’s an ability you’d like to have … I’m going to show you a ground-breaking method to acquire it, in a sliver of the time it takes ‘regular’ learners.
By using an elite form of learning – that literally gives you the syntax for success.
Not someone’s theory. Not some author’s opinion of what works but the practical steps of someone who is already wildly successful at doing, having, or achieving what you want.
But before I show you how to learn quicker, achieve faster, and acquire new capabilities at great speed, let me share a quick story…
Teaching Smart
People How to Learn
(A Surprising Lesson from People Who Get Paid Millions to Outthink The Competition)
In 1991, an eminent professor at Harvard Business School made a startling discovery about smart people…
For 15 years the professor had been studying the brightest and smartest professionals on the planet, tier 1 management consultants – folks who advise leaders at the world’s most successful companies – and charge millions in fees to each client to do so.
The professor wanted to understand how elite professionals and organisations learn, since success in business and life, depends on your ability to learn – FAST!
The people he studied were the crème de la crème of high-flying professionals – highly educated, highly paid, and highly motivated to learn. Observing this elite group work, up close, for over a decade, was the perfect learning lab for seeing how smart people really learn (and not what they say).
However, the Harvard professor had made an assumption.
Here’s what he said:
“I assumed that professional consultants would be good at learning. After all, the essence of their job is to teach others how to do things differently.”
To the professor’s surprise, they weren’t.
He discovered:
Most people, even many top-notch 7, 8, and 9-figure consultants don’t know how to learn!
As he described in Harvard Business Review:
“What’s more, those members … that many assume to be the best at learning are, in fact, not very good at it.”
That conclusion left people stunned.
How could that be even possible?
(…and you may be wondering, “What’s all this got to do with me?”)
It’s simple. If you are reading this page, chances are you are like those top-notch consultants – smart, well-educated, and aspiring to be great at what you do. Having a big impact.
HOWEVER, like many smart people, I’m also willing to bet you are trapped!
Trapped inside what the Harvard professor calls the great “learning dilemma.”
And I bet, it’s holding you back too, from a far brighter future!
Let me explain…
The Great ‘Learning Dilemma’
(And How to Avoid It)
Let me ask you this:
If any of the last 3 questions are true for you, don’t worry, it’s not your fault.
Without realizing it you’ve been trapped inside ‘single loop’ learning. It’s a level of learning that most people (even highly educated people) stop at.
And it’s holding you back.
“Single loop” learning is focused on using the strategies you know, to solve the problem you have. We want to be successful, but we hate to fail, right?
So, we keep on doing what we’ve always done. Until it becomes automatic.
But that automation comes with a high cost.
With ‘single loop’ learning there is zero focus on improving HOW you learn, or learning better, or assessing if you are using the right strategies for the outcomes you are pursuing.
So long as the problems you face can be solved with the strategies you know – you don’t have a problem.
When the strategies you use falter or flat-out fail to deliver the desired result; rather than become curious and adapting, even smart people put their blinkers on.
Soon after when it’s clear it’s not working - they enter the “doom loop.”
This is where their actions reinforce the unwanted outcome which in turn creates chronic problems.
Single-loop learning can be deadly.
As professor Chris Argyris of Harvard highlights:
“With few exceptions … whenever (people’s) single-loop learning strategies go wrong, they become defensive, screen out criticism, and put the ‘‘blame’’ on anyone and everyone but themselves.
In short, their ability to learn shuts down precisely at the moment they need it the most.”
(See UK Prime Minister Liz Truss’s recent flawed strategy with the UK economy as a case in point.)
And it’s not just Prime Ministers or elite management consultants that are waking up to the dangers of the great learning dilemma; they are enthusiastic about continuous improvement—and often their ineffective strategies are the biggest obstacle to their success.
More and more people are waking up to the fact that the strategies they’ve been using for decades, simply don’t work, or don’t work nearly as well as they once did. And they never learned how to model better strategies to create the success they want.
So what can we do?
We need to learn how to…
Go Beyond
The ‘Average’ Results Zone
(And Learn How to Elicit & Install Other People’s Success Strategies)
Conventional schools instill limitations. They teach people conventional strategies. Same with self-help books. Metaphorically, they both give you a ‘fish’ - “Do this when you have that problem.”
And every year billions are spent on self-help and formal education. To get generic results that place people squarely in the ‘average’ results zone.
But you know what they don’t do?
They don’t teach people “how to fish” … they don’t show you how to learn faster … how to model and install the success strategies of others. They just give you generic advice.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. You see, each one of us has strategies we use to produce specific results. Think of them as master recipes that our brains use whenever we want to accomplish something.
In NLP we call these master recipes ‘strategies’.
There are strategies for everything. For solving problems, for falling in love, becoming financially free, getting fit, getting motivated, learning new skills, making better decisions, and influencing others. And countless more.
People are dropping their strategies in front of us all the time. And with the right knowledge and skills, we can learn to pick them up and add people’s best strategies to our library Immediately saving us a tremendous amount of time, effort, and costly trial-and-error learning.
No longer are you limited to ‘single loop’ learning. No longer are you dependent on generic self-help advice, books, and courses that produce average results.
Finally, you’ll be able to ‘fish’ for yourself. If someone has an ability you would like to have, you can discover their master recipe for creating that (aka their strategy) and produce a similar quality of the result.
This is the world of NLP strategy modeling and for the first time ever, expert modeler Michael Breen is going to reveal the secrets about how to elicit and install other people’s strategies for yourself.
For decades, NLP has been at the forefront of behavioural modelling. Figuring out what people who are outliers in producing a specific result do, identifying how they do it,
and then creating a model which can be taught to others.
But did you know you don’t need to create a full behavioural model to learn from others or acquire their strategies? It’s true.
Behavioural modeling and strategy modeling are not the same thing. In fact, what many NLPers call ‘modelling’ is largely coding and capturing people’s strategies.
And knowing this is GREAT NEWS!
It means you don’t have to become an elite level modeler or invest weeks or months to model other people skills. Instead you can model people's best strategies – capture them for yourself, often over a conversation in just minutes!
That’s what Mastering NLP Strategies teaches you to do - how to code and capture the success strategies of others. Plus much more.
For the first time ever, master trainer and expert modeler Michael Breen teaches the most complete system ever created on mastering NLP strategies so you can acquire and install people’s best strategies, in yourself (or your clients)…
…. creating your very own ‘success playbook’ like elite NLP masters.
The course is organised into five expert modules, starting with:
(And Even More Advanced NLP Strategy Insights)
Michael has:
What's Included In This Brand-New Program
Ready to take your ability to pattern excellence to a whole other level? Then you'll love the deep NLP strategy training videos Michael's recorded for you, organised in to five modules and named so you can quickly find the information you need to succed.
Sometimes it’s not suitable or possible to watch videos. That’s why we’ve also made the entire program available in MP3 format, so you can listen and learn as you commute, exercise or take it with you on the road.
Each module comes with accompanying audios which you can download and use on your smartphone, tablet or computer for easy offline listening.
We’re committed to you becoming really good at being able to elicit, acquire and modify strategies so you can create the results you want. That’s why we’ve included 37 bespoke video exercises to help you quickly develop excellent NLP strategy skills. Watch Michael demonstrate the skills first, then do the exercises to acquire these powerful skills for yourself.
If you’re one of the first 40 to join Bridge The Gap: Mastering NLP Strategies, you’ll also get access to exclusive live training with Michael plus special bonuses.
(Recorded Live Demos Masterclass)
Value $500
By far one of the best ways to acquire new skills fast is to see multiple examples of the skill you want demonstrated live. That’s why Michael’s going to work with members in the group and show you how to elicit strategies in front of a live audience on Zoom.
You'll see...
(Recorded Live Video Masterclass)
Value $500
Ever see a true master of NLP do rapid change work? It looks like magic. But one of the lesser-known secrets that allows NLP masters to do rapid change work, install strategies in entire groups of people and create generative changes is a deep understanding of how to alter, modify and streamline other people’s strategies!
And in this rare live masterclass Michael will reveal many of the best advanced strategy secrets that every elite coach, communicator, consultant or change agent needs to know.
You'll learn:
Value $500
Learning to master NLP strategies is the key to the learning kingdom. It’s the tool you’ll find yourself reaching for over and over and over again – because it’s so darn useful, so fast and frankly – so helpful if you want to save massive amounts of time.
It’s also a model that has many moving parts and I’m sure as you progress through the course, you’ll have questions. That’s why, if you are one of the lucky ones to grab an inaugural spot on this course, you’ll get the chance to ask Michael Breen anything they want about strategies and get his expert feedback during this LIVE AMA masterclass.
Value $500
Learning how to use NLP strategies masterfully can be one of the most rewarding skills you’ll ever learn. Because it gives you the toolkit to finally become a curator of superior strategies, methods, and processes you can now use. Strategies that you know consistently get the results you want.
But that’s not all, when you learn this model thoroughly, it allows you be just a strategy away from creating a new breakthrough in any area of your life you want. Health. Wealth. Finances. Fitness. Career. Relationships. Leadership etc.
And while we’ll do everything we can during the LIVE trainings to answer your questions we know that as you begin to apply this in your personal and professional life you are going to have questions. That’s why you can ask questions of Michael and I, and engage with other peers directly in our closed-member support group, set up exclusively for students of this program.
Value $297
As you may have heard Michael say “Language is the programme.” And when it comes to working with strategies, it’s key you understand how language works to programme our behaviour and how the syntax a person uses as they communicate can reveal huge amounts about how a person has organised their think which DRIVES their behaviour.
So in this exclusive bonus training Michael lays out in precise terms how NLP’s most important language framework, the Meta Model works.
You'll learn:
With this deeper knowledge of how language works and how the different patterns of the Meta Model work as in an integrated way, you’ll be elicit, capture and code strategies even quicker!
You Can Count On Us To Help You Get The Results You Want...
Read What Customers Are Saying
Before I share what the investment is to learn this life and career changing skills, let me ask you a few questions:
If any or all of these are true for you, then please allow yourself for a moment to get out of your own way and really listen to what I’m going to say. This is a hard-won lesson I learned myself from experiencing my own share of failures, setbacks, and frustrations.
Most people don’t ever achieve a fraction of what they are capable of. They go to the grave with a lot of gas in the tank.
The main reason why people get stuck at the same level for years and feel deep frustration, disappointment, and regret isn’t because they aren’t smart enough, able enough, or as talented enough to achieve the things they want.
It’s this:
They repeatedly ineffective strategies over and over again – repeatedly until eventually they get so worn out, they give up. They give in. They put their hands up and say:
“I’ve had enough. I can’t do this.”
And the more times that happens in someone’s life the more it eats away at their self-esteem, their relationship with themself (and others) till one day … they wake up perhaps at 40, 50, or 60 years old … look back on all the life they have lived, feel the pull of the chain of mistakes and false starts that got them to where they are right now and feel deep regret…
… when at any point in our lives, so long as there is time left on the clock, the future is ours to create.
Time is of the essence. There are two ways to achieve anything in life:
NLPers like Tony Robbins, Richard Bandler, Michael Breen and many others whose names you don’t know are part of a rare group who have acquired amazing skills and exceptional capabilities – in a short period of time – by modelling the strategies of others.
Those strategies have saved them tremendous amount of time and brought them huge amounts of money.
As Tony himself freely admits:
“The key to my success? Modeling what already works.
If someone is successful, not once, not twice but consistently in anything, they are not lucky. They have a strategy. They may not know what it is but they have one. And if you can figure out what it is, you can save yourself decades in trial and error learning. This is the #1 secret for things in my life that worked.”
Right now, you have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn how to master strategies and integrate this profoundly powerful toolset into your life.
What would it mean for you to finally bridge the gap – between knowing perhaps some ideas about strategies and what they can do – to being highly skilled at eliciting them, capturing and installing other people’s best strategies in yourself
How much time and money would you save if you had the tools to literally model the strategies of high achievers, world-class experts, and high performers who are producing the kind or outcomes you want
What would it mean to get access to the most complete and up-to-date training on NLP strategies ever created … to learn from one of the field's most exceptional teachers AND experienced commercial practitioners of this skillset
What would it mean to acquire these elite and rare skills so can learn (almost anything) quicker, easier , and with far less trial and error?
What would it mean if you could compress the time to getting the results you want; find somebody who is already getting the results you want, figure out their strategy, and duplicate this outcome for yourself?
And, most importantly…
If you’ve ever doubted yourself after trying so many different books and courses WITHOUT achieving your desired results…
If you’ve ever gone into a fight with your partner for not being where you want to be in your life DESPITE all your efforts in learning and improving
What would it mean for you to get out of that vicious circle of ‘single loop’ learning… that typically leads to a circle of continuous wishing, hoping, and wanting… and all the misery and heartbreaks that come from constantly wanting something but never acquiring the skills you need to have it?
You may know that it’s almost impossible to put a price tag on finally finding a solution to all those problems and all the others that surround you.
But if I was to add up the main training, the bonus trainings, and the live masterclasses, the entire value of this program would easily be over $7000.
However, you won’t have to invest anywhere near that though to go through the Mastering NLP Strategies system.
Nowhere near!
Actually, I think you’ll really like this:
Right now I'm running a marketing - which is good news for you. Normally for a course of this scale and depth, which covers so many strategy skills in such depth - we would charge thousands for and it would easily be worth it.
However, I'm running an experiment so if you are one of the first 40 customers who buy, your investment to go through Bridge The Gap: Mastering NLP Strategies (the best investment you could make in yourself or your career, by the way!) is just 3 simple installments of $227.
Just 3 simple installments of $227 to shift yourself into the position of being able to walk into any room, and capture and model the most valuable strategies used by people who create outstanding results. We both know that kind of skill is worth way more than that.
You can even pay in full today and get in for a single payment of $997.
And catapult yourself into an elite group of NLPers like Richard Bandler, Michael Breen, and Tony Robbins where you’ll forever be modeling other people’s success strategies…
…and finally able to use advanced NLP strategy skills to learn, lead and help yourself and others in all manner of ways.
So don't delay, order your copy today!
(I'm even willing to give you a full 30-day money-back guarantee. More on that in a moment.)
What You'll Receive | VALUE ($) |
Module 1: Foundational & Fundamental Skills of NLP Strategies (Every NLPer Needs to Know) | $500.00 |
Module 2: Operationalise The Strategies Model In You! | $500.00 |
Module 3: Apply Brilliant Insights To Make Your Work Go Faster! | $500.00 |
Module 4: Next Level Patterning | $500.00 |
Module 5: Acquire The Strategies of Champions (And Even More Advanced NLP Strategy Insights) | $500.00 |
Audio Downloads: 105 Mastering NLP Strategies Training Videos | $997.00 |
Expert Assignments: 37 Mastering NLP Strategies Video Exercises | $497.00 |
Bonus #1: Mastering NLP Strategies LIVE (Live Video Masterclass) | $500.00 |
Bonus #2: Advanced Strategy Secrets (Video Masterclass) | $500.00 |
Bonus #3: Mastering NLP Strategies: Ask Michael Anything LIVE | $500.00 |
Bonus #4: Closed Member Support Group (For Bridge The Gap Customers ONLY) | $500.00 |
Bonus #5: Breaking The Spell of Language | $297.00 |
Total Value: |
I understand when I purchase Mastering NLP Strategies today I get...
Total Value: $6,291.00
Just $997.00
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P.S. When you have the right strategy - everything changes. You stop doing the ineffective strategies that don’t work (and never would). You stop wishing, wanting, and hoping you’ll find the path to success. You stop losing time to failure. Life gets a whole lot easier and more fun!
Finally, you’ll be able to become a fisherman (or fisherwoman) for yourself. If someone has an ability you would like to have, you can discover their master 'recipe' for creating that result and replicate it.
All of a sudden, nothing feels beyond reach – modeling other people’s strategies becomes a playful activity as you stack your playbook with strategy after strategy after strategy of recipes that work. Wins begin to accrue. Success brings more success.
Armed with the right strategies you’ll rapidly close the gap on your desires, goals, and dreams. You’ll break free of the ‘average’ results zone. And all that frustration, disappointment, and setbacks.
And that’s what you want right? Then go here and grab your spot now.
P.P.S. Don’t rob yourself of this opportunity to master NLP strategies. Don't live with frustrations another day longer when you don't have to!
For the first time ever, master trainer and expert modeler Michael Breen is going to teach you his best secrets and exact system for acquiring and installing people’s best strategies, in yourself (or your clients)… and demo them live with real people during the exclusive bonus masterclasses.
With the right strategy, you can create the outcomes you desire, the body you desire, and the income you want. You can take your career to the next level. This opportunity won’t hang around for long, order your copy now.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Total Value: $6,291.00
RRP: $997.00
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