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Brand New: Calling Anyone Yearning To 'Make It'

A-List Celebrity Coach & World-Renowned NLP Master Michael Breen reveals:

How To Go From Being Tired, Frustrated & Feeling Stuck to Living A Happy, Fulfilling And Truly Successful Life THIS YEAR.

Finally Achieve Much More of What You Really Want in 2024 & Beyond By Using These Timeless Strategies And Proven Principles Employed By Highly Successful People...

Hurry, Just 40 ... 20 ... 7 Spots Left!

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As 2023 rapidly draws to a close, if you want to have MORE next year … more success, more money, more happiness or whatever your 'more' is ... then read this letter now because a very time-limited opportunity has just opened up that has the power to change the future of 2024 for you...

If you feel stuck or have a sense of dissatisfaction in any aspect of your life or find yourself longing for something more, something better, even if you can't pinpoint exactly what that 'more' is; this opportunity is for you.

Over the past 12 months, in my interactions with NLPers and self-help students, I've noticed a common recurring challenge. It impacts almost everyone – from those just starting out to those already successful. It's a subtle yet consequential pattern that almost certainly also affects you, even if you haven’t quite put your finger on it yet.

This issue which is so often overlooked is a major obstacle for many who pursue getting 'more', more of the wealth, happiness and success they want. Identifying it is the first step toward changing it.

Before diving deeper, let me first ask you:

Are you tired of not having what you want ... the health, income, lifestyle, career or relationships you want?

Do you feel like you have wasted some of your best years wishing and wanting for some dream or goal to happen, but are not anywhere close to accomplishing it?

Do you feel frustrated when you know you are capable of so much more, but the results you have tried to make happen are not materialising quickly enough?

Are you fed up that each year feels like you are starting from the same (or worse) position than the year before?

Do you struggle to believe that things will get better when there is little evidence of any major wins to celebrate, so you've begun to lose confidence in yourself?

Do you worry that time is quickly running out to turn things around?

If any or all of the above are true for you, you are not alone.

I've heard this pattern over and over again and GOOD NEWS - it doesn't have to be that way and there is a SOLUTION!

As you are about to learn... this isn't the reality for everyone. Yes many people feel this way, especially as the grow older but there is a small group of extraordinary achievers who do things differently and therefore create entirely different results.

Here's the skinny: People who are really good at getting what they want (year after year) don't do what regular folks do. They don't think, plan or employ the same strategies and tactics as regular folks.

So what do they do? I'll cover that in a moment.

But first, have you ever wondered why, when most people want so much more in life, they invariably fall short and get much less than they hoped for? Me too. The penny dropped when one day I realised:

Most People Think They Have Goals 

But In Reality All They Have Are Daydreams.

I'm not knocking daydreams, I used to have 'goals' that were daydreams too.

But let's be clear: daydreams can be useful but they are different from goals.

Well constructed goals are organised in such that they call up a compelling sense of desire to realise them, and are supported by well thought through plans than are achievable. Daydreams aren't bad. In fact they are essential. They may become goals after much thought, planning and work but by themselves, daydreaming won't get it done!

Similarly, the typical solutions found on social media, in self-help books, and in common self-help courses, which many of us have tried unsuccessfully, don't provide what is needed for the vast majority of people.

Which got me thinking why don't most people get what they really want?

The answers may surprise you.

1) Most of us don't know what we really want.

(Our family, friends and society's programming has done a real number on most of us.)

2) We don't know how to get our resources aligned, specifically our inner game and external resources so achieving what we want becomes (practically) inevitable.

3) We have big holes in our 'skills bucket' that we don't realise, so we never fix them and thus our best intentions and efforts never crystalise in to laser focused action plan that turns desires into results.

What I'm saying is, if you can relate to any of this; it isn't your fault.

No one taught you how people who are exceptionally good at getting more of what they want, actually DO.

Instead most of us have come to believe that somehow other (more successful) people "are special", are "lucky" and that the reason you don't have what you want is becuase you procrastinate.

Thankfully, having more isn't about being lucky or having any more than average intelligence ... and procrastination isn't actually your real problem...

How to Eliminate Procrastination FOREVER.

(And Finally Accomplish So Much More And Create A Life You LOVE!)

Do you have a procrastination problem? Many, many people do.

Procrastination, left unchecked can rob ever aspect of your life and prevent you from getting within a thousand miles of the life you've always wanted to have or the body or success you want to achieve. Procrastination can, left unchecked, leak into every area of your life, including what you learn...

Here are 4 quick tell-tell signs to check for:

  • Do you find yourself buying courses (even some of our courses) and not using them?

  • Is your bookshelf full of unread books? Courses you bought but never started, or started and never finished. 

  • Are there projects and things you would like to do or have wanted to do for years, perhaps change your job, grow your income, start a new career or achieve financial freedom but have failed to get headway with?

If so, procrastination is likely at the heart of it.

But here's something that most people don't know ... procrastination isn't the cause of your problems. It's an effect.

It is what our brains are wired up to do, whenever we think something we are contemplating could be painful! (Real or imagined.) Or undesirable to do. So we put it off.

Now factor in what happens around this time every year ... if you’ve failed to accomplish big wins make what want to have happen’ for many years, perhaps decades … despite all your efforts, if you are like most people, your brain now believes (with nearly overwhelming ‘evidence’) that nothing is going to change next year…

…so it is pointless to try, right?

Welcome to the real problem. 

What you do (and don't do) is a function of what you think and HOW you think - so your brain is doing exactly as it has been trained to do.

And while many so called 'gurus' will tell you you are “lazy”, and that you “don’t want it bad enough” and you may even think to yourself: "What is wrong with me? Why can't I get myself to take action?"...

...the TRUTH is when you know how to run your own brain and nervous system effectively, how to LEAD your brain to get fired up by the things you want to do ... getting yourself to DO the things you want in 2024 and beyond becomes EFA.

Easy, Effortless and Automatic.

Discipline isn't required.

Cussing yourself isn't required.

You think - you act. You start to create momentum. You quickly begin to start getting results.

These are the kind of outcomes I'll show you how to get for yourself, shortly.

You see, getting more of what you want in 2024 comes down to 3 simple things:

  1. Evoking a compelling desire to start and follow through on what you want.  
  2. Having an effective strategy that produces the desired results.
  3. Taking strategic action and modifying your actions till you hit the target.

When you learn how to do (not talk about) all 3 skills consistently life, you know you can create the life you want.

Thankfully, you don't need to live in GREYZONE, where each year is more of the same and there isn't much to get excited about and procrastination holds you back...

You can learn how to get more of what you want in the shortest time possible when you…

Discover Timeless Success Strategies

And Proven Principles Used By

Highly Successful People

…That Allow Them To Get More, Achieve Much More & Live Exciting Lives…

We are just days away from 2024...

Can you honestly say you are over the moon by what you accomplished in the past 12 months? How about the last 12 years? What if I told you that the life you desire, the 'more' you seek, isn't a hopeless? 

What if much of the conventional advice you’ve read in self-help books or seen on Social Media or learned on courses is for the most part, flat out WRONG! 

What if the key to getting more (and having an exciting life) ISN’T about fantasising success, pumping yourself into intense states of motivation, pushing yourself harder, or ‘hustling’ your way to success … 

… but instead is actually about tapping into a timeless set of principles and patterns – secrets known by those who have mastered the art of 'getting more'?

Consider for a moment the lives of those who seem to effortlessly achieve their desires. You know, those ‘lucky’ people…

Here’s the thing: For the most part, these people aren’t any more lucky, gifted or smarter than you or I. They DO have one big advantage though, over 99% of ‘regular’ people. 

They leverage a timeliness set of principles and patterns that without fail are responsible for generating a level of success, happiness, and fulfilment far outside of normal levels. 

Armed with this knowledge, these masters of 'getting more' don't just hope or dream; they use these extraordinary strategies, superior thinking processes and proven success patterns to transform their aspirations into reality. 

And in doing so, they get to live lives in vibrant colour in a world that often feels grey.

Now, imagine if you could access these same principles and could... 

Kickstart 2024 With A

First Class 'Success Toolkit'...

That Is Light Years Ahead Of Anything You've Tried Before.

Imagine the infinite possibilities and REAL options that open up in front of you if you had, in your hands, the knowledge and proven patterns that have propelled top business people, world class champtions and extraordinary achievers to remarkable heights in their personal and professional lives. 

I’m not just talking about learning a few new techniques or ways of thinking. Imagine activating a multitude of principles, strategies, and tactics employed by those who excel at getting more and learning better. Rather than assimilating a collection of disparate patterns, you'll find everything seamlessly integrated into a powerful 'skill stack' you can use right away.

Where each one of the enhanced success elements is meticulously arranged into a sequence, each building upon the previous one ... unleashing a whole other level of performance from within you.

Instead of drifting into January 2024 aimlessly, without a plan, a purpose, or any confidence that the year ahead will be better than years past, imagine kickstarting the new year with a burgeoning sense of hope, and a subtle thrill of excitement...

Your excitement grows with each success, blossoming into certainty that 2024 will be much, much better. And best of all, it doesn't take that much effort on your behalf - by engaging in simple expert practices you actually enjoy, you quickly begin to see results and your excitement and confidence transforms into a rock-solid conviction you finally can get more of the life you want.

Convicition that 2024 is finally the year you get the first of many of those things you want and have wanted for your life for a long, long time.

Almost everyone in our society wants to make it. But most don't because they don't know how the game of 'getting more' is played. They never learned how to the get the 'more' they want. They've were never shown the thought processes and timeless patterns that DRIVE success for highly successful people.

But now you can…



Essential Principles And Patterns For Lifelong Success And Better Learning.

What is it?

It’s your golden ticket to turning 2024 into one of the most successful, productive and growth focused years of your life, where you transform your ability to get more, achieve more and enjoy more by tapping into the remarkable power of what Michael Breen calls ‘the compounding magic of marginal changes’...

For almost four decades Michael has been an advisor, coach or consultant to many of the world’s most successful people and companies. From A-List celebrities to world champion athletes to NBA basketball players, national politicians and CEOs who run hundred million to 100 billon dollar companies…

… Michael has coached, advised and consulted some of the most extraordinary achievers in the world of business, entertainment, sports and many more industries, that many so called ‘gurus’ can only dream of. 

During his remarkable career working with a diverse group of high achievers, Michael has had extensive access to pattern and model these superstars, and learn the secrets that seperate them from everyone else.

Working one on one for months, years, and in some cases decades ... has given him an unprecedented window to discover the uncommon principles and patterns by which these masters of ‘getting more’ use to become so successful and happy. 

And wow, how they think, plan and turn aspirations into reality is nothing short of remarkable.

Now for the very first time ever, Michael teaches the most important thinking and behavioural patterns used by people who are masters of getting more…

…so the rest of us can get much more in 2024 and beyond than we’ve ever had and enjoy lifelong success and better learning … right from the comfort of our own home. 

And the best bit: Using the step-by-step and easily to follow methods taught in this BRAND-NEW training, just about anyone can see dramatic improvements in their ability to 'get more' of the life they want quickly; even if eveything you have tried in the past failed to work or you failed to follow through on.

Using timeless principles and success patterns, Getting More gives you the winning thinking patterns and essential skills used that extraordinarily successful people use everyday to create huge successes so you can finally land the BIG WINs you want for your life in 2024 and beyond ... even if for years or decades, your track record has been one of repeated disapointments, frustrtions and failures...

This turns all that around, starting TODAY!

Get a sneak peek of what's in store with this exciting, brand-new training:

Module 1:

Master Your Inner Game

Here, you will learn how to dismantle the inhibiting mindsets that have been holding you back, and discover how to setup your mind for significantly greater success in 2024 and beyond.

You’ll learn:

The surprising truth about what actually motivates us and causes people to follow through on the big goals they set.

Discover the 3 biggest myths that are holding you back from having the life you want and how to break them.

Why you DON’T want to follow ‘conventional advice’ from gurus and self-help ‘experts’ … if you want to achieve BIG goals in 2024.

How to know with certainty that you can accomplish what you want, even before you have started it.

Uncover the two biggest enemies that block the path to unrivalled levels of success and how you can smash past them.

The number 1 thing you must dismantle if you want to become masterful of getting more of the life you want

The first key mindset shift that separates extraordinarily success people from people who struggle for decades to get what they want and how you can adopt this mindset easily by doing this.

The real truth about how we get in our own ways and stop ourselves from actually achieving what we want.

How extremely successful people think differently - Discover how creative folks, who are masters of ‘getting more’, ‘creating more’ and ‘having more’ think and act, that ordinary people do not.

What all the stuff you bought but never use really represents, and how making one mindset shift you can save yourself thousands of dollars on avoided future purchases

Identify where FEAR is controlling you and how to transform fear so you find yourself just going for the things you want!

Michael’s go-to method for creating enduring motivation to achieve any goal so it never becomes a question of ‘will I practice today?’

The number 1 thinking pattern you must avoid if you want to get more

Why Your Unconscious Mind Isn't Your Enemy: Finally understand the real role of your unconscious in shaping your habits and thoughts.

Think Differently: Become More Successful: Master the 5 step process that people who are experts at getting more use to succeed wildly.

Discover Michael’s powerful visualisation method that propels you towards achieving your goals and staying committed to realising what you really want in 2024.


Raise The Bar On Yourself

Many of us have fallen into habits and ways of thinking about ourselves that are counterproductive, strangling any hope of creating more of the life we desire. That's why, in this section of the course, Michael demonstrates, time and again, the step-by-step processes needed to raise the bar for oneself so you unlock unprecedented levels of new found success for yourself.

You’ll learn:

Discover how small change can create monumental changes on your life trajectory.

The secret strategy to turn weak states of desire to achieve your goals into red hot ambition and commitment to see your ambitions realised.

What you should never accept from yourself that high performers don’t.

What personal development is really all about that almost everyone misses.

How to get beyond societal programming and embrace more of your potential.

Go Pro On Your Life: Learn how to transform abstract goals into concrete steps that you can achieve. Works brilliantly for both small and huge goals. Use it and see your life transform.

The truth about where happiness, contentment and enjoyment really come from that has major implications for how you live your life.

Experience a pivotal shift in yourself: Discover the simple exercise which is far more potent that doing ten techniques (and best bit, it requires no prior knowledge to do this.)

Do you have desirable desires? Learn how to refine your desires and take control of your impulses so you can GET and STAY far more focused in 2024!

Sophisticated little known tricks NLP masters you can use too to help yourself make better decisions and choices.

Questions are one of the BEST ways to control your focus so you can get more, learn which brilliant questions Michael asks himself and his clients, to live a far more fulfilling and accomplished lives.

What never to do if you want a life of lifelong growth and accomplishment.

Embrace the art of incremental triumphs with Michael's approach, a journey of small steps leading to massive breakthroughs.

Discover high performance strategies used by extraordinary achievers, CEOs and wildly successful people that can rapidly accelerate your ability to achieve more.


Blow Past Limitations, Obstacles

and Mental Roadblocks

With a higher standard set for what you will accept and tolerate in your life, it's now time to dismantle and eliminate every limitation, obstacle, and mental roadblock that has been holding you back, paving the way for making 2024 and the years beyond far more successful and enjoyable...

You’ll learn:

Dive into Michael's powerful approach for tearing down the mental blocks that have been invisibly sabotaging your success.

The surprising truth about what actually holds you back from having the life you want today.

Discover the underlying mechanism that causes people to feel stuck and how to get unstuck fast, when you leverage this brilliant pattern.

A super strategy top performers and achievers use to pivot back on course anytime they find themselves moving in a direction they don’t want.  

Create rock-solid resilience: Discover the mindset of people who don’t let setbacks or failure stop them and keep moving forward.

Do you suffer from fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) about how you can achieve your goals? Do this to eliminate FUD and unlock bold action.

Pro Tips: When You Hit a Dead-End, Do This: A subtle yet powerful shift that opens doors to new opportunities and propels you forward.

The key to turning challenge and frustration into transformation - when you start to look at life this way.

The antidote to getting overwhelmed. Master this proven method and you’ll never go into overwhelm again.

The easy and technique free way to go from thought to action, fast!

A key attitude to adopt so you never get squashed by your problems.  

Become unstoppable: Discover how to thrive and bounce back quickly … how to turn every failure, setback and delay into you becoming stronger, better and more successful because of them!

The surprising truth about how people get stuck and can stay stuck for years, all because they never realised they were doing this one thing.

Why you have failed to put into practice those things that you know will help and how you can quickly change that and get much more from everything you already own.

How to recover your time and energy from people who aren’t working for your benefit.

Which thinking pattern causes people to fail and struggle to get more, more than any other pattern (and how to change it)

The ‘antidote’ for always needing to know everything about a topic or how you will achieve a goal before you take action.

The top 3 unconscious behaviours that stop people from getting what they want, year after year. And how to overcome this destructive pattern fast!

How to slay the internal dragons that keep you from getting what you want.

How to direct your attention masterfully so train yourself quickly to go from problem to solution and from challenge to opportunity.

PLUS Powerful exercises to change how you perceive yourself so you blow past your present limitations.


Unleash DEEP Personal Change That Lasts

Every significant leap in performance starts with a fundamental shift in how we perceive and interact with ourselves and the world around us. That's why, in this section of the course, you will learn one of the most important prerequisites for achieving much more: the ability to change yourself - fast!

Buckle up, as Michael Breen shows you how to unleash deep personal change in yourself.

You’ll learn:

Discover the Danger of Overcomplicating Change – Michael’s Method keeps it simple for profound results.

The easy way to get your brain to link up new behaviours so you harness how your body learns new behaviours quickly.

The 3 step formula for change. Creating personal change becomes so much easier when you use this…

Uncover the undeniable advantages of gradual, micro changes over flashy incomplete fixes that don’t last.

The sneaky process by which our brains form identities that limit us and how to smoothly create new empowering identities for yourself.

What questions you must ask yourself always before you try to change any aspect of your life, that makes creating the change at least twice as fast.

How change can be made to happen much more quickly when you follow a handful of success principles.

How to use your feelings as filters for driving specific behaviours so you start doing more of the stuff you want naturally.

Your brain can make changes in lightning like speed - Here’s how to use the brain’s own natural change processes to build a perpetually better version of yourself!

What we are really doing when we are creating change - when you understand this, making every future change becomes a whole lot easier!

Warning: If You Think This, Then You're Limiting Your Earning Potential: Learn principles and strategies to challenge limiting beliefs and foster greater growth.

Discover the key to breaking free from the failures and frustrations you’ve experienced in the past.

Unlock the Secret to Lasting Change: Uncover how focusing on small wins can lead to big transformations.

Are You Making These Habit-Formation Blunders? Identify and rectify these common missteps to fast-track your progress.

The remarkable truth about how our brian creates ‘reality’ and how masters of ‘getting more’ use that to their advantage…

The expert strategy to change recurring behaviours that don’t serve you.

Advance Change Secrets: The secrets to building new ‘neural pathways’ that making changing your behaviour so much easier.

How to end procrastination and hesitation to act, ONCE AND FOR ALL!


Execute Your 2024 Game Plan Like A Pro

As Thomas Edison famously said, 'Having a vision for what you want is not enough. Vision without execution is hallucination.' Ultimately, to achieve more—be it success, wealth, happiness, or anything else in 2024—you must enhance your ability to turn your visions, desires, and goals into actionable plans that yield tangible results. That's precisely why, in this section of the course, Michael meticulously outlines the process of transforming lofty goals and dreams into well-structured plans, ready for effective execution.

You’ll learn:

Uncover Michael's proven technique to crystallise your goals and enter 2024 with the clarity you need to accomplish so much more.

Learn the 3 master steps to getting more of anything you want for your life. Follow these 3 simple steps and achieving your goals and ambitions becomes much easier.

Potent strategies you can use TODAY to supercharge your ability to achieve ANY goal or ambition in 2024.

The Top Down Method for turning any desire, dream or goal into reality you can touch, feel and enjoy.

12+ killer questions to help you think through each step of the process so you can apply it quickly to your life.

How to go from drifting and hoping things will change to coming up with specific strategies and next steps to make change and success practically inevitable.

The foolproof method that transforms desires and ambitions into crystal clear game plans that drive success.

Which thinking skills you must have a firm grip on if you want to become someone who is extraordinarily successful at getting more of what you want.

Michael’s killer method to transform desires for into an identity that empowers and fuels you to bring it to life.

Do you struggle to identify what you really want? Follow Michael’s stress-free method to identify what you really want to change and how you want your life to be better.

What drains your energy that you can and must control if you want to accomplish much more in 2024 than you have in the last 5 years.

What going to WAR can teach us about how to turn visions into victories!

The 5 key questions you need to ask once you have locked in on a goal or ambition you would like to realise in 2024

Expert Success Strategies: How masters of ‘Getting More’ who enjoy life long success take the time to think through their aspirations and goals in very specific ways crafting a personalised roadmap for success.

Trigger Intense Desire To Act: Learn how to create a sense of urgency and excitement for your goals to drive action and accomplish far more.

Make Better Strategic Decisions for Life Goals: Understand the importance of decisively cutting away lesser options to achieve your biggest and most important goals in the year ahead.

Maximise The Payoffs From Your Goals: Discover the two key criteria masters of ‘Getting More’ always think about when choosing which goals to work on that ordinary folks do not.

A pro tip used by masters of getting more that instantly makes even HUGE goals and projects far more manageable and achievable. Do it and benefit for decades to come.

Identify and address critical missing elements in your thinking and planning that prevent you from achieving your goals.

Hit Bullseye More Often: Discover Michael’s proven method to refine what and how you are targeting so you can hit your goals and ambitions in 2024 and beyond.


Embrace Superior Learning Strategies For Greater Levels Of Success.

One of the distinguishing traits of individuals who excel at deriving much more from their lives and crafting lives they adore is their phenomenal aptitude for learning. So, in addition to helping you uncover and assimilate the principles and patterns of these extraordinary individuals, Michael will guide you through the tactics and strategies that high achievers employ to learn more rapidly and effectively - giving you everything you need to excel in 2024 and beyond!

You’ll learn:

How masters of NLP read up 200+ books per year and get into the author’s mind so they can process books at a much deeper level.

Discover key patterns demonstrated by people who are renowned for their ability to learn quickly and effortlessly. Now make them your own!

Unlock the secret method Michael Breen has employed that has lead him to become one of the finest masters in the history of the field and how you can leverage this proven method too

Why joy and enjoyment is such a potent (and easily accessible) state you want to learn anything faster. Make ‘being bored’ a thing of the past.

The #1 attitude embraced by super learners that you can adopt today to radically transform the value you get from every course and book you read.

Recover 100’s of Hours: Did you watch too many box-sets in 2023 but wish in 2024 you could easily get yourself to curtail it so you achieve more goals and learn new skills? Then do this...

5 killer questions that will instantly help you penetrate any author or book like an elite NLP modeller and get so much more from every future book you read.

More knowledge equals more skills right? Not so fast; discover what type of actions you should target if you want to build greater skills quickly.

Why going against conventional wisdom is actually a good thing if you want to learn NLP (or any other skill) far quicker and better.

Do you ever feel like you don’t have the time to practice and do all the things you want? Use this expert strategy and swiftly become at least 2x to 3x more skilful any anything.

The two things Michael advises all his apprentices and students to start doing now if they want to get 10X more from every book they know.

Pitfall to Avoid: Why contempt for doing this one thing will always lead to learning failures.

Adopt the one attitude that will supercharge your ability to learn any skill faster and to a higher lever than 99% of regular people.

Discover one of the biggest mistakes people make when learning skills and how to avoid it.

What you must do with any book you read or course you take if you want to extract maximum value and greater results every time.

The absolute worst thing you can do when reading a book or going through a course that shuts down any learning process.

Why do masters of NLP say ‘we are always in training’ and how can you use this universal truth to improve any area of your life.

How the human brain unknowingly works against you when you want to make a change and what you need to do instead to help your brain learn and change quicker.

Discover which process 99% of NLPers miss, which guarantees they won’t be able to to accomplish a fraction of what top NLPers can do with the tech.

Why even with the smallest investment of time developing any skill, you can create real breakthroughs when you practice like this…

The 1 trick used by pros to achieve develop greater skills with blazing fast speed.

How get to get 10X more from every book or course you already own!

What's Included In This Brand-New Program

Here's a complete breakdown of what's included in this brand new training...

34 High Definition Training Videos From One Of The World's Best NLP Masters & Accomplished Coaches

With Getting More, you're not just watching a series of transformational videos. You're participating in a highly practical program where Michael Breen reveals for the first time expert patterns and principles for lifelong success and better learning. 

From eliminating the patterns that hold you back to slaying your personal dragons, saying goodbye to procrastination to raising the bar on yourself while building real momentum … you'll discover dozens of proven patterns to help you get more of the life you want and make 2024 a great success.

34 Audio Files

Sometimes it’s not suitable or possible to watch videos. That’s why we’ve also made the entire program available in MP3 format, so you can listen and learn as you commute, exercise or take it with you on the road.

Each video comes with an accompanying audio track which you can download and use on your smartphone, tablet or computer for easy offline listening.

18 Bespoke Exercises

To help you create the results you want in the quickest time possible, Getting More is jam packed with really cool exercises designed to help you get results fast. We’ve jam packed 18 expert exercises to help you make significant personal changes in attitude and behaviour so you can get more of the life you want.

PLUS: To Help You Get Much More Of What You Want

In 2024, We've Added $2000 of Exclusive LIVE Bonuses...

Starting with...


'Kill Your Middlemen'

Ellminate The Enemy of Progress.

(Live Zoom Masterclass - February 2024)

Value $500

Every January, people start off their year with high hopes, but within 6 weeks most of us have fallen off the band-wagon and with that their intention and commitment to making the year better, lies dead.

One of biggest factors why is because we bung up our plans with middlemen - unneccessary conditions and presumed requirements we assert are essential, which get in the way of getting the results we want. That's why this January, Michael and I will be hosting a special masterclass where he will be showing you how to kill your middlemen and elliminate the enemy of progress, complexity.

You'll Learn:

What 'middlemen' are and how left unchecked they can wreck your progress for years

Why the the middlemen pattern is so elusive ... and how to spot yours!

What to do to to 'take out your middlemen' so you can make so much more progress

How to think clearly about what you really want and what it will take to get it!

A powerful planning method to reverse engineer how to get what you want.

Expert questions & tips to help you weight up options

Strategies, tips and tacitcs you can use right away, to achieve much more in the next 12 months than ever before.

How to build a strong bias to action you can count on to propel you to success.

The amazing things that happen when you JFDI your life!

Plus much more...

Join us for this powerful live masterclass and discover how to finally take apart one of the biggest and most common patterns that prevents people from getting what they want.


Win The Year:

How To Think Strategically & Act Tactically.

(Live Zoom Masterclass - February 2024)

Value $500

Do you ever run out of time to accomplish everything? Do you feel exhausted and frustrated by your lack of progress? Is it difficult for you to say 'no' to others' requests? If so, you won't want to miss our exciting LIVE masterclass.

In this brand-new training, Michael Breen will share many crucial distinctions and practices essential for those with big aspirations and ambitions in life. You'll learn one of the most important yet often overlooked skills in personal development: how to think strategically and act tactically. As an inaugural customer, you'll get a front-row seat to join us live. Discover powerful practices and strategies that you can immediately apply to elevate your life and success.

What strategic thinking is and why it is such an important skill for lifelong success.

5 big myths about strategic thinking you need to know.

How to think strategically and act tactically like a pro

Key skills you need to know to begin to think and operate at a whole other level.

How to spot a bad strategy.

How to assess your goals for 2024 so you can spot if they are well designed.

Tips and tricks on how to think more strategically across your life.

How to to get started putting strategic and tactical thinking to work in your life.

Plus much more...



Ask Michael Anything LIVE

(Live Zoom Masterclass - February 2024)

Value $500

In addition to the core training, the multiple live masterclasses, more than a dozen bespoke exercises, you will also have the opportunity to ask Michael Breen anything you want about Getting More and get his expert feedback during this LIVE AMA session.

As you begin to integrate this powerful toolkit into your life we expect questions will arise; that's why, when you join as part of our inaugural intake, you get to ask Michael any question you want - at no extra cost!


Closed Member Support Group

(For Getting More Students ONLY)

Value $500

Learning isn't an event, it's an ongoing process. That's why we're here to support you as you learn how to work and design new empowering game rules. So we've setup a special portal for you to get additional support if you need it. You can ask Michael and I questions, and engage with other peers directly in our closed-member support group, set up exclusively for students of this program.

As you apply your new found skills from this course, you'll quickly begin to what's actually been holding you back and begin to pivot and shift things - creating more wins and perhaps other questions. Don't worry, we've got your back and will be here to help you get the answers you need to apply everything you've learned.

And just in case you haven't studied with us before, here's some details about your instructor, Michael Breen.

Meet Your Instructor - Change Master, Michael Breen

Michael Breen:

Has almost 40 years experience in creating and generating personal change for others, in one-on-one client interactions, small and large group workshops and to audiences as large as 10,000 people!

Is a expert at behavioural change with vast experience helping clients transform their lives.

Is a renowned NLP Master Trainer, who has helped over a 100,000 workshop participants and thousands of one-to-one clients change, from everyday folks to A-list celebrities, to multi-millionaires, billionaires and leaders at every level unlock far more of their potential.

For over a decade, he co-ran workshops with Dr. Richard Bandler & Paul McKenna helping countless people experience dramatic and powerful changes.

Created the first business NLP practitioner in the UK and created the Framing Tool, along with made several other contributions to the field of NLP.

Revolutionized the design and delivery of NLP training in the UK, co-founding the largest NLP training school in the world.

Is one of Europe's leading executive coaches.

Is a top-notch management consultant who has advised numerous Times 100 Fortune 500 companies become more successful.

So, you can relax and know you are in truly world class hands, with someone who has worked with clients and businesses all over the world, including firms such as:


Wondering If Our Trainings Are Any Good?

Don't Just Take My Word For It

Check out what other students are saying after enrolling in our courses …

Your Investment

To Make 2024 a Year of Unprecedented

Success And Personal Growth...

Imagine this: In just a few days, the calendar flips to 2024. A new year, brimming with potential. But let's be honest, how different will 2024 really be? You've seen many new years come and go, each one filled with the same unfulfilled promises and unachieved goals. It’s frustrating and disheartening, isn’t it? You know deep down you're capable of so much more, yet if you are like many people, every year ends with a sinking feeling and the same questions:

"Why haven't I achieved what I know I am capable of?”

“Why can’t I get myself to take action and follow through?”

And perhaps you’ve often wondered,

“Why is trying to get the ‘more’ I want so darn difficult to attain?”

Fear not. You aren’t broken, in fact, there's nothing wrong with you. You can have the ‘more’ you seek – more success, wealth, happiness, purpose, and fulfilment – when you make a few key adjustments to how you think and act.

The real question to ask yourself is: Are you tired of watching another year slip by, filled with the same unmet goals and unfulfilled dreams? Are you ready to break free from the cycle of unfulfilled dreams and stagnant success?

If the answer is yes to both, then you are in the right place.

This is exactly what the brand-new training “Getting More: Essential Principles and Practices for Lifelong Success and Better Learning" offers you.

And that shift can happen far quicker than you realise, as Michael Breen has seen over and over again for thousands of people who have applied these methods.

Imagine, just months from now, you're not just chasing success – you're living it. Your career isn't just growing; it's excelling. Your sense of confidence and satisfaction with yourself, and with your life has reached EPIC highs. This is what "Getting More" offers – a future where your aspirations are no longer just dreams but achievements you celebrate and proudly tell others ... brining a sense of DEEP satisfaction and inner fulfilment that lights up your face and sprinkles magic across your life.

Procrastination and hesitation are things of the past. Learning and growing as a person has become FUN again. That's what Getting More offers you.

There really isn’t anything else like this anywhere. Michael has packed in 40+ years of the best principles and patterns he’s observed from people who are the unknown masters of ‘getting more’, now available for the very first time for you to learn.



(Just 40 ... 20 ... 13 Spots Left!)

What's the catch? This life-altering journey is exclusive to just 40 people and is not available to buy anywhere else. Only 40 individuals will receive the golden ticket to this transformative experience to learn these timeless principles and patterns live and up-close with Michael. And if you want in, you need to take action before midnight on December 31st.

Here's why:

In addition to expert step-by-step video training, 18 tailored exercises, and 34 audio tracks, you'll gain direct access to Michael Breen through our group masterclasses. You'll be invited to engage in live sessions in early February, where you'll receive bespoke strategies to conquer the ultimate success inhibitors: procrastination, indecision, and inaction.

PLUS: You'll learn how to think strategically and act tactically in how you prioritise, act and operate; these are essential skills for anyone who wants to make 2024 one of the best years of your life.

This kind of training and live access could easily cost $1,997. To give you an idea, Michael’s apprenticeship program (the closest way to learn this system) costs $19,997.00 per student a year. And his elite group intensive success training programs typically start at $2,500 to $5,000 each, when we offer them.

And while $1,997 is a price worth paying several times over for acquiring these life-transforming skills, you won't be required to pay $1,997 or even $997 (which is what we'll almost certainly charge those who come later, if not more).

Today, you have the chance to invest in yourself and access this transformative knowledge and get a massive leg up on the new year for...



Just 3 easy payments of $197


One payment of $497 (and SAVE an extra $100.00)

And in return you give yourself the missing key to alter the direction and future of your life. Not just by learning the exact same thinking strategies, principles and patterns for achieving far more in 2024 and beyond that you have done in the past, but you'll learn patterns used by highly successful people, year after year to live a far more interesting life, where endless growth and a joy of learning is just one reward.

But hurry, we're only opening up access for a few days only. This offer expires forever at midnight tomorrow.

Hurry, just 40, 20, 7 spots left!

We'll close enrollment as soon as we hit our limit for the live trainings or when the countdown hits zero.

Don't drift into a new year with no hope, no plan and no system for winning the year. Grab this offer now to secure your place and enjoy our exclusive inaugural offer pricing, live training and special pricing.

Grab your spot here now.

An Unbeatable Guarantee:

Try 'Getting More: Essential Principles & Patterns for Lifelong Success Better Learning' For a Full 30 days, Risk Free...

To completely take away any risk from you I am also going to give you a 30-day - Hassle Free - Money Back Guarantee.

When you register today for Getting More you get a full 30 days to consume the entire course — before you decide if it is for you.

Go through the entire video training, watch all the videos, do the exercises and implement the lessons right away to your life.

You'll have a full 30 days to test the system out for yourself before deciding if it is right for you.

If you are not fully satisfied with this course then simply contact me within 30 days of purchasing, show me you have completed the assignments (so I know you gave it a fair try) and I’ll refund your entire tuition and give you your money back.

So you risk absolutely nothing – buy the program, watch all the videos and try out the exercises. As long as its within 30 days, you can claim a full refund if you don’t think we have delivered!

That’s how confident I am in the power of this material.

So what are you waiting for? Go grab one of the limited spots before they are gone!

Yes Tom! I'm Ready To Grab This Time Limited Opportunity To Enroll In:


Essential Principles And Patterns For Lifelong Success And Better Learning.

I understand that when I purchase Getting More today I will receive access to:

Michael Breen's Brand-New 'Getting More' Training

(Value: $1,497)

MODULE 1: Master Your Inner Game.

MODULE 2: Raise The Bar On Yourself.

MODULE 3: Blow Past Limitations, Obstacles and Mental Roadblocks.

MODULE 4: Unleash DEEP Personal Change, That Lasts.

MODULE 5: Execute Your 2024 Game Plan, Like A Pro.

MODULE 6: Embrace Superior Learning Strategies For Greater Levels of Success.

BONUS 1: Kill Your Middlemen: Eliminate The Enemy of Progress (LIVE) (Value $500)

BONUS 2: Win The Year: How To Think Strategically & Act Tactically. (LIVE) (Value $500)

BONUS #3: Ask Michael Anything LIVE (Value $500)

BONUS #4: Closed Member Support Group (Value $500)

34 High Definition Training Videos From One Of The World's Best NLP Masters & Accomplished Coaches

34 Expert Getting More Training Audio Files (Total Value: $500)

14 Bespoke Training Assignments (Total Value $500)

Iron-clad 100% Money-back Guarantee

Total Value: $4,497.00

Secure Your Spot Now.

Total Value: $4,497.00

New Year Special Offer:

Today Just:

$197 x 3

(Or Save and Extra $100 Off

And Pay in Full For Just $497)

Hurry, Spots Strictly Limited:

Just 40 ... 20 ... 7 Spots Left!

Offer Expires In:


Sure, how can we help?

Enter your question below and an agent will refer back to within 24 hours.

PS: Ready to grab your golden ticket to greater success? Then secure your spot now and immerse yourself in a transformative experience like no other. "Getting More" is not just another self-improvement course. It's a platform that equips you with the tools and advantages necessary to create a better life. Here, you'll discover uncommon principles and proven patterns that foster lifelong success, taught directly by Michael Breen, a mentor to the elite.

Getting More offers a rare glimpse into the latest strategies and patterns Michael Breen uses to help a diverse range of clients, from everyday folks, to wildly successful and wealthy individuals, achieve and attain significantly more. You’ll learn and install an extraordinary set of success patterns that have elevated the lives of ordinary people to enjoy uncommonly successful lives – strategies Michael has observed over and over again from working with top CEOs to A-list celebrities to industry leaders and world champions. Now all yours, for the taking.

Why settle for that status quo and more of the ‘same old boring same’ in 2024 when you could access the distilled wisdom of decades of success and get more of the life you want? You can test drive the entire programme out risk free for 30 days, but only while spots are available. Grab your spot here now. 

PPS: Getting More isn't about adopting temporary fixes or shallow strategies you’ve seen and tried before. You won’t get a bunch of boring theories or ‘10 things that billionaires do’ that completely ignores where you are starting from now… nor will you get the same old worn out ‘success strategies’ dressed up as ‘NEW’ - which don’t work. 

Getting More is different. It’s unique, new and a boldly refreshing approach to seriously moving the needle on your life.


Here’s why:

  1. Everything included has been field tested for decades and works like clockwork when applied. 
  2. It doesn’t require much effort to implement on your behalf 
  3. Every video, strategy and exercise compounds on the previous and is extremely practical. The learning gradient is easy and can be applied quickly for immediate results.
  4. Each module leverages the potent power of marginal changes which Michael has supercharged by the order in which you learn them.
  5. Getting More offers access to the best principles and patterns demonstrated again and again by highly successful people

…so you can get more of the life you want, kicking off 2024 with the direction, ambition and strategies you need to succeed now and for decades to come. 

2024 is just around the corner, can you really afford to wander into another year with little more than a hope and prayer that this year you will create the growth and success you want? Please whatever you do, don’t wing it! Don’t let next year be more of the same with no real change (We both know how painful that can be.) 

Instead, take the easy road … let Michael Breen show you how by make the RIGHT marginal changes now, so you can create outsized returns and improvements in 2024 and beyond. So you can unlock more success, more money, more happiness or whatever your ‘more’ is in 2024.

Finally, for the next few days only you can learn the same powerful tactics and strategies that have catapulted ordinary men and women to their zenith. 2024 is almost here, and with “Getting More,” you're not just learning how to get more and learn better; you're evolving into a version of yourself destined for success. Don't let this opportunity slip by – the extraordinary is within your reach!

Go here to secure your spot now. – Just 40, 20, 13 spots left!

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Hurry, Spots Strictly Limited.

Grab This BRAND NEW Training Today:


Essential Principles And Patterns For Lifelong Success And Better Learning.

Total Value: $4,497.00

New Year Special Offer:

Today Just:

$197 x 3

(Or Save and Extra $100 Off

And Pay in Full For Just $497)

Hurry, Spots Strictly Limited:

Just 40 ... 20 ... 7 Spots Left!

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