Dear Reader,
Over the past ten years I’ve received thousands of communications from people helpers all over the world - coaches, therapists, business professionals, health and wellness teachers, counsellors, trainers and NLP hobbyists all wanting to know one thing…
What’s the secret to doing effortless change work?
Many believe it is all about mastery of NLP techniques.
Others believe that the key has to be in the coaching and change frameworks they heard about or studied.
While the hypnotists in the community think they have the answer - the secret to doing effortless change work is about one thing - the language patterns one uses.
Fact is.
All 3 groups are wrong.
My study of change masters showed me it is actually one counter-intuitive thing that all existing programs, products and training that teach people how to create change completely miss.
It’s the reason why so many people helper’s struggle to create lasting change for their clients.
Fact is most people’s change work fails!
Because they are missing this one thing.
It the application of this one thing that allows legends of rapid change work like Richard Bandler, Milton Erickson, Tony Robbins and Michael Breen to create seemingly ‘effortless change’ with blazing fast speed.
It’s what allows them to work with a huge variety of people.
And transform so-called “hopeless” and chronic cases, often in just minutes.
Because they’ve mastered the one thing that separates ‘ordinary’ well-meaning people helpers from exceptional highly paid change professionals.
There’s ONE THING that can really double, triple or even quadruple your ability to create change for clients that trumps everything else you’ve been taught about creating change that works.
And best of all…
… it doesn’t rely on you needing to know;
… more techniques
… more language patterns
… or more frameworks
In fact, when you know how to use this one thing it acts as a force-multiplier to everything you already know.
Turns “change work” failures into victories.
Challenging clients into unprecedented opportunities for you to demonstrate just how skilled and exceptional a change agent you’ve become.
Allowing you…
… to double, triple or even quadruple your ability to create lasting change for clients
… work quicker, more precisely and far greater success rate
Giving you the edge to work with a much broader range of client issues, while charging more!
And perhaps best of all, when you master this one thing it quickly leads to you earning the awe and respect of your friends, colleagues and peers.
What’s the ONE thing that can create such brilliant results?
I’m talking about the Art and Skill of INTERVENING. >