Finally Revealed: The Secrets
Behind What Highly Successful 
Coaches Do To Become In 
Demand With Clients And 
Keep Them Returning 
Again And Again...
Dear Friend,

As a coach or aspiring coach to be chances are you know that starting and building a successful coaching business can be tough.

You've got the talent. Perhaps you done lots of courses and training to be able to serve your clients at your best.

However the all to common challenge, especially for talented coaches, is finding and keeping clients.

In fact it's fair to say that for most coaches today, the competition is tough.

The number of people offering coaching services has increased dramatically, making standing out ever more harder.

Some coaches think they can simply advertise on Google and secure a "flood of new clients."

If you think you can buy your way to the top of Google and stay there; think again.

There are over 3 MILLION search results in Google for the term "Life Coaching".

Just 10 results make it to page 1. Seventy percent of search clicks go to organic listings, not paid adverts.

Even then, you're not guaranteed of getting a sale or keeping a customer.

Google buys you attention - it doesn't get you customers.
Successful coaches - do something else.

They target business fundamentals.

Principals for getting and keeping clients for the long term.

Strategies that go beyond pay per click adverts, websites and coaching flyers.

Successful coaches play a different game.

They seek out thought leaders who can teach them principals that really work and cause them to become in demand with clients.

Secrets that few coaches know and even less practice.

The kind of stuff that is rarely covered in any depth on traditional coaching courses.

I'm talking about - coaching business fundamentals.

The stuff that keeps clients coming back again and again.

Having a steady flow of clients becomes easier when you realise that...
“...Your Success Is In Direct Proportion To Your Ability 
To Follow Correct Principles That Serve Your Clients' 
REAL Needs & Wants”

There are many ways to run a coaching business.

If you look at those that succeed vs. those that fail; the key difference in those that succeed, both today and over the longer term, is they follow correct principals.

Principals help you to connect the dots that points the way toward success.

Right principals lead to right actions and winning results.

Successful coaches don't pursue tactics aimlessly.

They leverage success principals that work.

  • They discover who their clients really are

  • They uncover what their clients really needs (and wants!)

  • They deliver the results the client wants using a high quality process
  • They tailor their offerings to their biggest strengths (that makes them stand out)

These 4 done well, give them a huge advantage over the tens of thousands chasing tactics and "fly by night strategies" abundant in the market today.

But successful coaches don't stop there.

This is just the beginning. There are many more than 4.

Successful coaches seek out solutions and strategies that will teach them the rest. Scanning for and seizing upon proven principals that save time, money, grow their business and REWARD them with a growing list of repeat clients.

The problem is - up until now, there aren't very affordable ways to discover what exactly highly successful coaches do that helps make them so successful.

That's why we created...

High Performance Coaches focus on one very specific thing - to significantly improve the performance of their clients.

When you charge $500 to several thousand per session; you better be good at producing breakthrough results that the client wants.

In fact everything about what highly successful coaches do speaks "first class". From how they market and run 1st session to how they achieve results and follow up with their client.

Now you can learn many of their secrets too...

In this all NEW training, Coaching Secrets: How to Become a High Performing Coach In Demand With Clients, Celebrity Coach Michael Breen reveals the key mindsets, coaching processes and winning strategies used by High Performance Coaches to become in demand with clients.

Inside This 90 Masterclass 
You'll Learn: 
  • The #1 success strategy to quadruple your success rate if you are in a currently in a job and wanting to starting your coaching practice. This one suggestion when followed correctly, can make the difference between a thriving practice from the beginning or a practice that struggles and fails.
  • The 2 biggest secrets about building a highly successful coaching business that every highly successful coach lives by and most struggling coaches overlook. These two secrets are at the heart of almost every wildly successful coaching business... and are absent in the vast majority of new coaching practices that fail. Master these two and getting clients becomes a lot easier.

  • The 3 big forces impacting Life Coaching today which makes many 'old tactics' ineffective but is a perfect opportunity for smart coaches who know how leverage 'the new rules' for success.

  • The #1 thing highly successful coaches are doing that instantly makes them stand out from the crowd and dramatically increases their chances of being successful.

  • The key success mindset to embrace that can take years off your path; set this attitude from day one and you can save yourself years of 'false-starts', misguided effort and feeling like your business will never get off the ground.

  • Which activities successful coaches spend most of their time on when they are building a highly successful coaching business... Warning: This is the last place most coaching programs focus on but you can't have a truly successful practice without it.
  • What it's like to be a new coach and what kind of journey new coaches face when starting up. When you understand what ahead, you can prepare, plan and thrive!

  • Why you must have passion for coaching BUT why you need MORE than passion if you want to be really successful.

  • The two key questions to ask when figuring out what price to change for your coaching services. Use these two questions and you can avoid the big mistake that new coaches make around pricing that kills

  • The critical responsibilities you have for clients that you didn't even know were required. Michael highlights important obligations of care that every coach needs to know that aren't covered on traditional coaching courses.

  • Fact: Most coaching sessions fail to go beyond the 1st session. Learn the secrets to delivering great first sessions that generate repeat bookings. 

  • Learn the 4 key factors that are present when coaching sessions rock! Get these four areas right again and again, and you'll be far more likely to have a long list of happy clients.

  • Discover the 8 key areas to consider to make sure your 1st coaching sessions rock and exceed your clients expectations.
  • The 4 components to leverage for rapid acquisition of new skills. Get any 1 of the 4 wrong and developing new skills can take much much longer. Get all 4 right and you can acquire new skills over and over again, quickly and easily for the rest of your life.

  • The 3 killer questions Michael asks himself before every coaching session to make sure he always brings his 'A Game' to his clients. Make these your mantra and you can't help but take your coaching and business performance up several levels.
  • The #1 Rule of every coach who keeps clients long term. Build your business on this principal and you'll find clients stay with you longer and are happy to refer you to others.

  • Discover answers to critical questions regarding note taking as a coach. If you use or take notes, you need to know this!.. Learn what you must know about taking notes as a coach that can save you in court and what notes must capture and what you shouldn't record.
  • Discover the top 3 skills demonstrated by World Class Coaches that you can use to build a thriving coaching business.

  • Hear Michael's take on the simple time-tested process to become more demand with clients. Building the business of your dreams is all about getting these getting these 3 things right.

  • Plus much more...
Meet Michael Breen 
One  of the industry's most well respected
Executive Coaches and Master NLP Trainers
This exclusive training is taught by a world-class master NLP trainer and celebrity coach Michael Breen. Michael has:
  • Over 30 years experience teaching NLP around the world
  • NLP Master DHE Trainer and Master Hypnotist
  • Co‐founded largest NLP training school in the world 
  • For 10 years co-ran workshops with Dr. Richard Bandler & Paul McKenna
  • Is an expert at behavioral change
  • Management consultant to numerous Fortune 100 companies
  • Created the first business NLP practitioner in the UK
  • Is one of Europe's leading executive coaches
  • And is known for teaching NLP in a way that makes it very easy to apply
  • Has taught over 80,000 students
In Total You Get...
1.5 Hours Of Expert Master Class Instruction On The Mindset, 
Success Principals And Secrets To Become A 
High Performing Coaching In Demand With Clients 
Coaching Secrets takes what you do and makes it even better.

Your sessions become breakthrough sessions your clients really look forward to.
Best of all you can create new results while still using the coaching frameworks you have;
just add in the key coaching session processes that Michael outlines. The results start happening right away. Clients will feel the difference and be much happier for it.

Do what Michael outlines and naturally clients start to refer you to others and to keep coming again and again.

If you are a new coach or aspiring coach to be, what Michael shares will draw back the curtains and clears up confusion about what succeeding as a coach is all about, what need to be your priortise from day one and how to run great first sessions (so they naturally lead to more sign ups).

You'll be able to take a deep breath in again, knowing you don't need to get hundreds of things right; just focus on a small select few principals and processes that naturally lead to better results.

In fact; you'll be using the same in-session coaching processes that elite multi-thousand pound coaches use with their clients.

In this masterclass recording, created for private group of NLP Times clients you'll hear Michael 'talk straight' about which patterns of behaviour lead to more clients and which activities cause so many coaching practices to fail.

The insights he shared is easily worth many many times your investment.

You'll learn which mistakes to avoid and what to do today; to become in demand with clients.

Note: Everything you hear in this training is based on a reality based approach - no fancy "ra ra" or fluffy thinking is required. Michael teaches you secrets and strategies used by him and other elite highly successful coaches to be and stay in demand.
Read What Customers Have To Say About Coaching Secrets
Al Konigsfeld, USA
Very realistic and to the point. No glossing over the challenges and requirements.” 
Philip Atkinson, 
Edinburgh, UK 
“Honest, accurate and truthful about the state of the market and the skills required to reach the top.” 
Helmut Jegust, Germany
Michael delivered a full load of practical advice, down to earth and needed for everyone who wants to start with whatever coaching service. What to consider before you start!!! One detail: make notes of client sessions in such a way that 10 years later they could be read out in court... - And lots of other topics... I think for me this is very, very helpful!” 
Jos Tobben, Netherlands
“NLP Times walks the talk.

They try to fill the gap between knowledge and action! They can fill in the blanks. ” 
“I enjoyed how Michael found ways to frame it so I could find ways to apply it to my own industry.” 
Vince, USA
“Useful content and frank outline of 'the work' needed for coaching.” 
Dr. Richard Bandler,
 creator of NLP
 “Michael Breen’s... training is first class.”
An UNBEATABLE Guarantee:

Try Coaching Secrets 

for a full 30-days, 
100% risk-free
To completely take away any risk from you I am also going to give you a 30-day Hassle Free Money Back Guarantee.
If for any reason whatsoever, you don’t like the
program or you don’t think you got value from it  - within 30 days – you can send me an email and I will give you a full refund.

So you risk nothing – buy the program, listen to it and try out the exercises.  As long as its within 30 days, you can claim a full refund if you don’t think we have delivered!

That’s how confident I am in the power of this material!

And in case you still have any questions, here’s answers to the six most common questions I get asked about this training… 
Your Investment
Coaching Secrets is a master class goldmine of solid strategies and insights on what to do - to become in demand and build a successful coaching practice that continues to grow and shine.

It's ideal whether you are just starting out or are already up and running and want to take things up a level.

Michael has spent 3 decades at the top of coaching working with a dream list of coaching clients from A list celebrities, royalty, politicians, business titans and everyday people looking to improve their life.
He built 3 multi-million pound business in the coaching, training and consultancy space and lead international coaching change projects for major multinationals.

He was even was hired and paid handsomely to model the world's very best coaches (folks who charge tens of thousands) for a very well known and well respected multinational client.

In short; Michael has been at the forefront of what works for a long time.
In this training you get to learn many of the most relevant and important insights, patterns and processes of successful coaches.
Expert strategies & insights that can change your career and business forever.

The investment you are being invited to make to learn these principals and strategies isn't even a 100th of what it costs to discover or learn this in the real world. Michael's spent well over $200,000 on his own training and invested tens of thousands of hours mastering his craft.

Through his own career and that of hundreds of other business owners he has worked with he has observed the major errors new coaches make and what is the patterns of success of those that succeed and thrive.

Thankfully you won't have to make all those mistakes, lose a lot of money on tactics that don't work or give up years of your life to learn what Michael shares.

Your investment (thankfully) isn't anywhere near as expensive.
In fact - when you compare it against the alternative - pursuing strategies that don't work or fail most of the time, investing thousands on courses, that don't teach key business building skills, this course is remarkably good value.

What value do you place on your career and becoming in demand with clients?

Chances are if you are serious about coaching; you'd be willing to pay many thousands of dollars (who wouldn't for something that can be so beneficial to all areas of your professional life).

Well the good news you won't have to pay anything like that - to learn these secrets today.

For a limited time you can download the entire master class training today...
Just $57
and download it right away.
  • Yes Tom! I'm ready to learn the practical secrets behind what highly successful coaches do, so I too, can become a high performing coach in-demand with clients.
I understand that when I purchase Coaching Secrets: How To Become A High Performing Coach In Demand With Clients today, I get:
  • 1. 5 hours of audio training in MP3, instant download format for listening on your IPod, Smart phone or computer

  • Five professionally edited and immediately downloadable MP3 tracks recorded from a live tele-seminar training for in house clients

  • 56 page PDF training transcript so you can highlight and use and every distinction and strategy shared.

  • Our ironclad 100% 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
If you are a beginner, let Michael show you how to develop mindfulness in as little as five minutes twice a day. If you are more seasoned Mindfulness practitioner or someone who has tried before but failed to quieten your mind with a simple thought, then invest today in this training to discover where you have gone wrong and learn the simple way to start mastering your mind today.

Simply click on the "Add to Cart" button below, and you will be taken to our checkout page where you will be asked to enter your details.

Get Your Copy Now...
For Just $57
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please reach out to our support team here or email us.

We're happy to help
To your success,

PS: This course is jam packed with explicit step-by-step strategies and insider secrets on how to become a High Performance Coach in demand with clients.

Learn direct from one of Europe's leading coaches, who has built 3 multi-million pound business, what it really takes to succeed as a coach.

Discover what successful coaches do that grows their business. Learn Michael's step-by-step strategy for how to run coaching sessions so they lead to more repeat session and being in demand with clients.

This is how top elite coaches do it; learn how you can use this powerful process too.

PPS: Invest just a small amount in your training today and use what Michael teaches to take your coaching up several levels and begin to create rock solid demand for you, with future clients.

Remember: When you are in demand, you can charge more too. Employ what you learn in this master class training and you should easily be able to generate a 10x return within 30 days. This training costs less than one coaching session - surely success in your career is worth more than that?

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